
Kafka integration with Java Spring-boot with one application serving as a producer and the other consuming the messages

Primary LanguageJava

Kafka integration with Java Spring-boot: producer-consumer model


  • dog-rescuer (acts as a kafka producer)
  • dog-adoption-center (acts as a kafka consumer)


  • Dog-rescuer service creates a Dog POJO using java-faker and produces the created object to a Kafka topic (rescued-dogs-delivery) after every 2 minutes.
  • Dog-adoption-center consumes the messages from the Kafka topic, parses it and saves it to it's in-memory DB.
  • Dog-adoptiion-center exposes GET /dogs API to retreive all rescued dog records

Local Setup with Docker

  • Install Java 17 (recommended to use SdkMan)

sdk install java 17-open

  • Install Maven (recommended to use SdkMan)

sdk install maven

  • Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/hardikSinghBehl/kafka-java-spring-boot-poc.git

  • Run the below command inside both services

mvn clean install

  • Run the below commands to start docker containers

sudo docker-compose build

sudo docker-compose up -d

  • Run the below command to stop docker containers

sudo docker-compose down

Sample Recording
