
A very crude simple social stream API in Python and PostgreSQL

Primary LanguagePython

Peepr v0.1

  • A very crude simple social stream API.
  • Done in time constraint of a few hours on Saturday, the weekend.
  • Was a quick and dirty burn and crash - “we-need-to-have-something-running-by-today!!” development process, including learning Flask, rebrushing PostgreSQL and SQL skills as I go.
  • However, I did retain proper coding and code reuse as much as time and the microframework I was using permitted. Used as much support as provided by DB API 2.0 PostgreSQL python driver (-paging a notable example).
  • I decided to use Flask as it seems very light and easy to mold to crash burn development, it was also fun using it! (-as flask allows you to stay low level in Python without dealing with cruft of full blown MVCs giving great control).
  • It is assumed there’s no need for user authentication and authorization.
  • Error management is delegated to the RDBMS used (PostgreSQL) , and bubbled up through the Python exception mechanism. This works well since proper HTTP response codes are always returned accordingly - excellent if are in the “we-need-to-have-something-running-by-today” stress.
  • Deployed to Heroku, using PostgreSQL hosted in Amazon EC2 through Heroku plugin (https://postgres.heroku.com/)
  • REST is assumed, as in every request must encapsulate state.
  • All arguments are passed through query strings.
  • Responses are JSON for data.
  • Named ‘Peeper’ for obvious reasons , or not?! :-D
