
Generate weather sample data based on location and time

Primary LanguageScala


Generate weather sample data based on location and time

It is used to generate sample weather data per hour basis for testing


  • Install Java >1.8 and scala >2.12
  • Install Gradle >5.0

Steps to run the program:

  1. Clone the source code
  2. Go to root directory (build.property)
  3. Execute below command to generate 30 city and 10 hours on each city


gradle run


If you want to custamize the city and hours


gradle run --args="--numberofcity 10 --hours 2"


You can visualize data using Athena and R or quicksight.

  1. Upload output.csv file to s3 and create a table in athena

Create external table weather_data(city string,position string ,lTime string,condition string,temperature string) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("separatorChar" = "|", "escapeChar" = "\") LOCATION 's3:///'

  1. Format the data using view feature

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "geoview" AS SELECT city,split(position,',')[1] lan,split(position,',')[2] lon,temperature, format_datetime(from_iso8601_timestamp(ltime),'yyyy-MM-dd hh') lt FROM "warroom_db"."weather_data"

  1. Visualize the data using quick sight


Feedback is always welcome.