
Hi all,
This code base is my attempt to give basic but enough detailed tutorial for beginners on image classification using keras in python.

  • I used here the basic set of libraries and predict 10 categories of image.

  • Implemented a simple CNN Model and used 10 images per category (10x10 = 100 rows of input) to Train and Test the model

  • Model performed >70% accuracy which is quite good for this small set of data.

  • You can add / update any kind of images and labels and Train the model to meet your needs.

  • You can find inline comments to understand the code easily and modify as per your requirement.

You can find about the detailed implementation, usage and tutorial at my below Medium Post.

    # True : To Re-Train Model with New set of Images and Labels
    # False : To Load existing Trained Model and simply predict
    retrain = False
