• I am Kalp Prajapati. I am software developer and open source contributor. - Kalp Prajapati
  • Hey this is Tirthan Prajapati, from Vit-Bhopal interested in computer science. - Tirthan Prajapati
  • Hey!, I am Kendall Pinto, || a passionate Web Developer. I also work on Python, etc. || - Kendall Pinto
  • Hey , I am Soham passionate about full stack developer but right not frontend developer is my forte. - Soham Roy
  • Hey, I am Eslem Ouederni. I am a Full Stack developer, currently working on a MERN dashboard. - Eslem
  • Hey, I'm Himanshi Sharma, a pre-final year engineering student from India. My fields of interest are web development. Currently I'm working on Machine Learning.- Himanshi Sharma
  • Hey ,I'm Nikhil Nair . I am a Frontend developer, My fields of interest are web development.Currently working on react project. - Nikhil Nair
  • Greetings, my name is Dhruv Sood. I am an 18-year-old boy currently pursuing my first year in computer science engineering. I am currently focused on learning front-end web development and have gained proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Currently, I am expanding my knowledge by learning React, a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. - Dhruv Sood
  • I am Gurnav Chaudhary. I am currently pursing BCA final year. I am learning front-end web development and open source Gurnav Chaudhary
  • I am Abhinav Kumar, Highly motivated DevOps enthusiast, full stack developer, and UI/UX designer with experience in designing, developing, and implementing software solutions. Skilled in utilizing a variety of cloud tools. Strong understanding of agile development methodologies and a passion for automating and streamlining software development processes. Proven ability to work well in a team environment and deliver high-quality software on time and within budget. - Abhinav Kumar
  • I am Haris, third-year Computer Science student with a strong foundation in algorithms and data structures, I am passionate about using technology to solve real-world problems. I have experience in frontend web development and have worked on projects involving machine learning and natural language processing. In my spare time, I enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field by participating in hackathons and online coding challenges. I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a developer. - Haris
  • I am Nacho, Junior Backend Developer, I have strong Python/SQL skills and currently getting into Flask. The past few days i've been learning about OSS so here I am. My goal is to get my first IT job this year! - Nacho Perez
  • Hello there! My name is Rocky Barua, and I am a frontend developer from Bangladesh. I specialize in using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React to create visually stunning websites. I am currently expanding my knowledge by learning Next.js. My passion lies in taking designs and bringing them to life with my code. Additionally, I take pride in creating functional web applications that provide a seamless user experience. - Rocky Barua.
  • Hi! I'm Nilo Alvarado. Software engineer || Open Source Contributor || Technical Writer. - Nilo Alvarado
  • Hi! I'm Akshat Kumar. I've been learning to code for 2 years, after my bachelors in Electronics & Communication. I started with HTML & CSS, but have really found a passion for backend development. I started my career in web development as a Backend Developer Intern and currently I'm a full time Software Developer. - Akshat Kumar
  • Hi! I am Karthik Nadar, I am a sophomore pursuing computer science, I am a full stack web developer, an open source enthusiast and am currently learning devops, hope to collaborate and grow with the community-you can follow me on github and check out my socials. - Karthik Nadar
  • Hey all, I am Sandeep, currently in 3rd year CSE (Almost finished). I am a Android Developer and I know about web(Angular). I am currently focusing on DSA for placements, and hoping to build a few meaningful projects. Would love to contribute to this Organization both as a Contributor and a maintainer. - Sandeep Urankar
  • Hey ! I am Khushi Marothi, a 3rd year undergraduate pursuing Computer Science and Business System. I am a web developer, coder and open source enthusiast. I have solved 300+ ques on leetcode and have participated in 3 open source program as a contributor. Looking forward for internships in the field of web development. - Khushi Marothi
  • Hi everyone, I am Prasad Mutnale, currently pursing BE 3rd year CSE. I am Web Developer and I know HTML, CSS, JS and MERN and i am open source contributor(beginner) looking forward for projects relevent to my skills and preparing for placements. - Prasad Mutnale
  • Hey all! I am Nitin Pandita, 3rd year undergrad Data Science Engineer, You think about future, I make prediction for that. Well skilled with languages like Python, R, SQL, SQLite3, Java, Javascript(Es6) and also familiar with visualization tools like Tableau , PowerBI . Looking forward for Internship in Data Analysts and Machine Learning. - Nitin Pandita
  • Hello, My name is Gekko Wrld. Software Engineer and Open Source contributor! - Gekko Wrld
  • Hey everyone! I am Akanni Emmanuel. I am software engineering student at ALX! proficient with languages such as C, C++, Python, JavaScript, Typescript, SQL etc and familiar with stacks like Express, React, Flask (OpenGL for C++). I'm looking forward to my graduation (October 2023) and getting an internship role! - Akanni Emmanuel
  • Hello, I am Gambhir Sharma a Full-Stack Developer from India. Well-skilled with languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and C++ and familiar with stacks like React, Express, Opencv etc - Gambhir Sharma
  • Heya folks, I am Hemant a passionate frontend developer love to create beautiful designs and clones, Check out my portfolio. If you like my work then give me a follow on Twitter. - Hemant
  • Hello, I am Pushkaraj Kulkarni, a professional Full-Stack Developer and an open-source contributor. I specialize in web development and am currently available for freelance work. My skill set includes expertise in programming languages such as JavaScript, Typescript, and Python. I'm specialized in frameworks like React, Next.js, and Express.js - Pushkaraj Kulkarni
  • Hey 👋, I am Piethon. || A passionate Bug Hunter from Asia, I use ARCH btw hehe. || -Piethon
  • Salutations, my friend. I am Nina (realguystuff). I am a software developer and a network owner. I created the first game of The Lively Developers Community. - Nina (realguystuff)
  • Hello 👋 I am Pawar, CSE 22'Grad and currently learning DevOps. I know basics of Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Git. Looking for the DevOps/DevRel intern/job opportunities and open-sorce collaboration. Twitter. - Poonam Pawar
  • Hello I am Shourjjo Majumder, An indie software and game developer, I mainly work with Python and C and currently also intrested in electronics. - shour
  • Hello! I am Adwait Kulkarni, a 3rd-year computer science major studying at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. I am proficient in full-stack development and have experience with the MERN stack. Currently I am working with Java backend, particularly Spring Boot and building apps using the same. Adwait Kulkarni
  • Good Evening my name is Anubhav and I am an aspiring developer and a problem solver with expertise in various technologies. I have contributed to numerous projects and have gained recognition for my work. I consider myself fairly creative and a hardworking individual. I have a passion for technology and gaming. I have hands-on experience in building real-world projects and keep myself updated with all the news related to gaming and tech. When I’m not coding, you can find me playing games and exploring new technologies. - Anubhav Adhikari
  • Hey Everyone, myself Sivasai and I am web developer with lot of enthusiasm to learn new things on the go. I know C++, Javascript, React, GoLang, MongoDB and Solidity. I am new to opensource. Check out my profile -sivasaisilla
  • 👋 Hello, I'm Ankit Anand! I'm a passionate front-end developer with 1 year of experience in crafting beautiful and user-friendly web interfaces. I'm dedicated to creating seamless digital experiences that combine design and functionality. My skills include proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with expertise in front-end frameworks such as React. I'm constantly staying updated with the latest web technologies and best practices to deliver high-quality code. I thrive on challenges and love to solve complex problems. Whether it's optimizing performance, implementing interactive features, or ensuring cross-browser compatibility, I'm driven to deliver solutions that exceed user expectations.🌱 Currently, I'm exploring Machine Learning, always eager to expand my skill set and push the boundaries of what's possible. Ankit Anand