Global real estate (RE) investments is one the reliable investment in terms of the returns received. Yet the number of investors in RE are much lower, because of the liquidity and global access. Blockchain and Real Estate go hand in hand. The kind of security and transparency needed in Real Estate is exceptionally provided by Blockchain. Tenants, owners, and investors are barely satisfied in the current system. Consider a scenario where you buy a house as an investment. The property you want to buy is very expensive and you are unable to buy. We propose a system which will help us to solve this problem. The investor is given platform where we will conduct an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) which is a type of crowdfunding, where we sell ERC20 Tokens to the investor and raise funds. We the platform then use the raised funds to buy real estate properties and we put those properties up for rent. Then the rent we get from the tenants is split between the investors based on the amount of token they own which is verified by the smart contracts in the Ethereum blockchain. Hence we can eliminate and overcome the major drawbacks we face in the commercial real estate market. Slides:
The frontend is made with vuejs 3 and Tailwind Css The smart contracts are tested with Metamask Truffle Suit and is deployed to the Ropsten Ethereum test network with Remix ide. You can get free ether for deploying your contracts from Ropsten Ethereum Faucet SSM Token Contract deployed at
npm install //use this command to all the project depedencies
npm run serve //use this command to run the webapp
npm run build //use this build the static files of the webapp
npm run lint
truffle create <artifact_type> <ArtifactName> // Helper to create new contracts, migrations and tests.
truffle compile // to compile your smart contrcts
truffle migrate [--reset] [--f <number>] [--to <number>] [--network <name>] [--compile-all] [--verbose-rpc] [--dry-run] [--interactive] [--skip-dry-run] [--describe-json] //Run migrations to deploy contracts.
//truffle docs