
PostgreSQL shopping cart

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PostgreSQL shopping cart

All functionality is in PostgreSQL’s PL/pgSQL functions.

SELECT * FROM … result
items_get() show all items
cart_get(person_id) get cart (unpaid invoice)
lineitem_add(person_id, item_id, quantity) add item to cart
lineitem_delete(lineitems.id) delete lineitem in cart
lineitem_update(lineitems.id, quantity) change quantity (0=delete)
invoice_get(invoices.id) get order
invoice_update(invoices.id, country) update country
invoice_update(invoices.id, country, address) update address
invoice_delete(invoices.id) delete order
invoice_paid(invoices.id, payment info) mark order as paid
invoices_get() show all orders
invoices_get_unshipped() orders needing to be shipped
invoice_shipped(invoice_id, info) mark order as shipped
invoices_get_for(person_id) this person’s orders
items_get_for(person_id) items this person has paid for


gem install pg
gem install json
sh init.sh
sh reset.sh
ruby test-db.rb
ruby test-api.rb

Every API function returns:

  1. “ok” = boolean success/fail
  2. “js” = JSON result (if !ok then {error: "explanation"})

Play around

$ irb
irb» require './getdb.rb'
=> true
irb» db = getdb('store')
irb» ok, res = db.call('invoice_get', 4)
irb» res
  :lineitems=>[{:id=>4, :item_id=>4, :name=>"JPG of Mr. Wonka", :quantity=>1, :price=>2}]}
irb» ok, res = db.call('invoice_paid', 4, 'cash')
irb» puts ok ? 'paid' : res[:error]
irb» ok, res = db.call('invoices_get')
irb» res.map {|i| "%d = %s" % [i[:id], i[:name]]}
=> ["1 = Charlie Buckets", "2 = Veruca Salt", "3 = Augustus Gloop", "4 = 巩俐"]
irb» exit

$ psql -U dude dude
pg» select * from store.invoices_get();
ok │ t
js │ [{"id":1,"person_id":4,"name":"Charlie Buckets","order_date":"2019-10-02","payment_date":"2019-10-02","payment_info":"PayPal #abc123","subtotal":15,"shipping":6,"total":21,"country":"US","address":"Charlie Buckets\n3 Skid Row\nHershey, PA 04141","ship_date":"2019-10-03","ship_info":"usps# a1b2","lineitems":[{"id":1,"item_id":3,"name":"Fizzy Lifting Drink","quantity":3,"price":15}]},
pg» select * from store.invoice_shipped(4, 'posted');
ok │ t
js │ {"id":4,"person_id":7,"order_date":"2019-10-02","payment_date":"2023-03-12","payment_info":"cash","subtotal":2,"shipping":0,"total":2,"country":"CN","address":null,"ship_date":"2023-03-12","ship_info":"posted"}


  • api/ = public API functions (only use these)
  • functions/ = private functions used by API
  • getdb.rb = helper to call API
  • tables.sql = tables and indexes
  • test-api.rb = unit tests of API calls
  • test-db.rb = unit tests of private functions
  • test_data.sql = sample data for testing
  • tester.rb = helper for unit tests
  • triggers/ = triggers for data logic
  • views/ = re-usable views for JSON

Schema for functions

All functions, views, and triggers are in the "store" schema.

So any time you make a change, you can run … "drop schema store cascade; create schema store" … then re-load them all anytime. It won't lose your data.


Email me at https://sive.rs/contact

Sorry I won’t be watching pull-requests or issues here. I’m posting this just as some example code.