ScribbleJ Firmware (c) 2011 Christopher "ScribbleJ" Jansen This is a firmware for modern 3D printers with an advanced gcode pipeline. * Run-time configuration of all settings. * Advanced preparsing gcode pipeline. * Acceleration and lookahead. * "Dimension" - 5D/Volumetric, buzzword buzzword. * LCD and Operator Control Panel. * Hostless printing from SD Card. This firmware includes some portions which are copped directly from the MBI firmware, and some code that is based on code in the Sprinter and Teacup firmwares, and one large option taken from Marlin firmware. THIS COMES WITH NO WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES, PROMISES, OR CAKE. I do not recommend that you, or anyone, uses this firmware. If you do, you do so at your own risk. I appreciate any bug reports, patches, and amusing stories about how this firmware burned your house down. You can find me on Freenode IRC, channel #reprap. Or email at VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!! Please see for lastest full documentation.