Flow Friend🩸✨, a Period Tracking Whatsapp Bot

This repository contains the source code for a WhatsApp bot designed to help users track their menstrual cycles. The bot provides features such as period tracking and reminders.

Table of Contents


  • Set/Modify Date: Enables users to set or modify their menstrual cycle's start date.
  • Period Tracking: Users can easily retrieve their most recent set date by simply sending a "Hi" message.
  • Reminders: Sends reminders to users before their next period is expected.


To set up the WhatsApp Period Tracking Bot, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
  git clone https://github.com/sathwikreddygv/whatsapp-period-tracking-bot.git
  1. Create Green Api Account and setup a developer instance for Whatsapp APIs
  1. Configure environment variables:
  • Create a .env file in the root directory.
  • Add the following variables:
  1. Run Docker Compose:
  docker compose up

Now you should see 2 docker container running (one for the Node app and the other for Mongodb)

  1. Setup cron job for reminders
    Create a script.sh file in root with the following commands inside the file
node dist/cron_jobs/reminder.js

Run the following command

crontab -e 

Set the cron to run at 5.30am every morning

30 5 * * * /home/ubuntu/script.sh > output.txt


  • Ping "Hi" to the Whatsapp number used in Green Api account from a different Whatsapp account
  • You should be able to see replies from the bot
  • Set your period Date (Custom date is also supported)
  • Ping "Hi" anytime to know your last period date
  • If your cron is running, you will receive reminders everyday starting from 26 days after your last period date (you can update the date meanwhile)


Contributions to the WhatsApp Period Tracking Bot are welcome! To contribute:

  • Feel free to raise issues/pull requests