Ansible role to install/update SteamCMD.
This role will make SteamCMD available to all users with sudo permissions.
The SteamCMD commands itself will always run as a system user called steam
The same user should be used to run any games servers.
ansible-galaxy install --roles-path ./roles/ siw36.ansible_steamcmd
Install SteamCMD on all hosts in the game-servers
- hosts: game-servers
- siw36.ansible-steamcmd
Update SteamCMD itself and exit:
sudo steamcmd +quit
Install a game server:
sudo mkdir /home/steam/<game_name>
sudo chown steam:steam /home/steam/<game_name>
sudo steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir /home/steam/<game_name> +app_update <app_id> +quit
The user used on the remote host must have permissions to execute sudo
commands without being prompted for password confirmation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
Created by Robin 'siw36' Klussmann (07/2019)