
A to-do list for preparing to be a Full Stack JS Developer

In Pursuits of Full Stack Development with JS 🚀

I created this short to-do list of study topics for preparing to be a full stack javascript developer in a course of the next couple of months.

In order to stay motivated and track your progress, I recommend you to fork this list and regularly commit to your repo with crossed out items as you progress.

Best of luck to you!

Strong understanding of JS Basics

Some meterials I found useful

Javascript design patterns

  • Module
  • Prototype
  • Observer
  • Singleton
Some meterials I found useful

Data Structures and Algorithms

Some meterials I found useful
  • LeetCode - Great for practicing DS and Algorithm problems
  • BaseCS podcast - great for getting basics clear before starting to read/practice problems

Learn a Frontend Framework

Learn State Management

Learn a Backend Framework

APIs and Databases

Did I miss something? Raise a PR. 🙌 I would love to hear about your journey, tweet to me @siwalikm