
Website and documentation for FusionAuth

Primary LanguageLiquidApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

FusionAuth Site


The FusionAuth site is open source. Found a bug, an issue, or a typo in our docs? Please report using an issue or submit a pull request.


  • FusionAuth team


If you want to submit a PR or test a change to fix a link, etc it may be helpful for you to build and run locally.

This project is built using jekyll and asciidoc, you'll need to have ruby installed.


Install these programs:

  • java
  • ruby (2.7.0)
  • plantuml
  • git

gem install bundle bundle install

Setup Savant

We use the Savant build tool. In order to build and run this project, you'll need to first setup Savant.

Linux or macOS

mkdir ~/savant
cd ~/savant
wget http://savant.inversoft.org/org/savantbuild/savant-core/1.0.0/savant-1.0.0.tar.gz
tar xvfz savant-1.0.0.tar.gz
ln -s ./savant-1.0.0 current
export PATH=$PATH:~/savant/current/bin/

You may optionally want to add ~/savant/current/bin to your PATH that is set in your profile so that this change persists. You'll also need to ensure that you have Java >= 8 installed and the environment variable JAVA_HOME is set.

Build and run a local HTTP server

sb serve

For more information on the Savant build tool, checkout savantbuild.org.

If you are modifying the doc search and want to use a different Algolia index for testing, update the settings in _config.yml. To manually refresh the document search index, use this command: ALGOLIA_API_KEY='<admin api key>' bundle exec jekyll algolia

If you want to clean your Jekyll install, run bundle exec jekyll clean.

CSS changes

This project depends on CSS from the fusionauth-style project.

If you are making changes to the CSS, you'll need to do the following:

  • clone that repo, make changes there on a branch
  • when your changes are done, run sb int which pushes up an integration build (similar to a maven snapshot) to the savant repo.
  • edit your css dependency var to be something like this (with the appropriate version number):
fusionauthWebsiteStyleVersion = "0.2.27-{integration}"
  • then you can commit this and other folks can pull down your changes

Each time you make a CSS change, you can run sb int in fusionauth-style and then sb css in this project to pull down the latest CSS.

Releasing CSS changes

Before you merge your site changes with CSS dependencies to master:

  • do a CSS version release, which will bump the version (see instructions in that repo for more)
  • update the version number in site/_includes/_head.liquid
  • update the dependency in the fusionauth-site savant build file.
  • run sb css
  • check in the new css files.


This section is only useful if you work for FusionAuth. Sorry!

Only master is ever released. You should work on a feature branch so that nothing is inadvertently released, but you must merge to master before you release. On every project, including this site, master should always be completely clean and able to be released at anytime.

You may want to run bundle install to ensure that you have all the needed gems.

Make certain that you set the ALGOLIA_API_KEY environment variable to the Admin API Key value found in the Algolia dashboard. This key is used to push any changes to the index at build time. This takes some time, so you can avoid it with the --skipReindex switch.

Make sure that java8 is the first java in your path. If you have the standard FusionAuth setup, you can do this temporarily by running this command: export PATH=~/dev/java/current8/bin/:$PATH.

You need to have AWS credentials (access key, secret access key) with permissions to access the S3 bucket and CloudFront distribution. You need to make those available to the process. I use environment variables, but any method outlined here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html will work.

After master contains what you want to release, there is a Savant build target called push. When you run sb push it will pull master, re-build and update the website.


If you are doing everything via environment variables:

ALGOLIA_API_KEY=... PATH=~/dev/java/current8/bin/:$PATH AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AKIA... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=Jffp... sb push


If you see an error message like:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
	at org.jruby.Ruby.newInstance(Ruby.java:266)
	at s3.website.Ruby$.rubyRuntime$lzycompute(Ruby.scala:4)
	at s3.website.Ruby$.rubyRuntime(Ruby.scala:4)
	at s3.website.model.Config$$anonfun$15.apply(Config.scala:229)
	at s3.website.model.Config$$anonfun$15.apply(Config.scala:227)
	at scala.util.Try$.apply(Try.scala:192)
	at s3.website.model.Config$.erbEval(Config.scala:227)
	at s3.website.model.Site$$anonfun$2.apply(Site.scala:28)
	at s3.website.model.Site$$anonfun$2.apply(Site.scala:27)
	at scala.util.Success.flatMap(Try.scala:231)
	at s3.website.model.Site$.parseConfig(Site.scala:27)
	at s3.website.model.Site$.loadSite(Site.scala:100)
	at s3.website.Push$.push(Push.scala:62)
	at s3.website.Push$.main(Push.scala:40)
	at s3.website.Push.main(Push.scala)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: unsupported Java version: 15
	at org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.initGlobalJavaVersion(RubyInstanceConfig.java:1878)
	at org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.<clinit>(RubyInstanceConfig.java:1585)
	... 15 more

You are running the wrong version of java. Doublecheck your path.