
WebLoggerBundle is a Dropwizard bundle used to help log web activity to log files on a server’s backend

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dropwizard Web Logger

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WebLoggerBundle is a Dropwizard bundle used to help log web activity to log files on a server's backend.


####Make Call Send a POST request to:




with the body content:


and the following configuration:

  eventNames: [jump, highfive]

####A Line is Logged Logger will log the following line to a file on a specific backend

{"name":"douglas","eventName":"jump","height":"42feet","timestamp":"2016-03-07 10:41:38 UTC"}

###Fixed Fields Fixed fields will be added to all logged lines.

Type Description
Timestamp The timestamp of the log will be logged as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z in UTC


  1. Add the com.palantir.weblogger:dropwizard-web-logger:<VERSION> dependency to your project's build.gradle file. The most recent version number can be found by looking at the Releases Page. The dependencies section should look something like this:

    dependencies {
    	// ... unrelated dependencies omitted ...
    	compile "com.palantir.dropwizard:dropwizard-web-logger:<VERSION>"
  2. Modify your server's configuration file

    a. Add webLogger to your yml file and enable it. server.yml

          enabled: <true|false> # optional - defaults to true
          eventNames: [<EventNames>]


    	  enabled: true
    	  eventNames: [jump, highfive, run]

    b. Add an appender of type web-logger to your Dropwizard configuration YAML in the logging section: server.yml

          - type: web-logger
            currentLogFileName: ./var/log/<APPNAME>-usage.json.log
            archivedLogFilenamePattern: ./var/log/<APPNAME>-usage-%d.json.log
            archivedFileCount: <NUMBER_OF_LOGFILES_TO_ARCHIVE>


            - type: file
              currentLogFilename: var/log/server.log
              archivedLogFilenamePattern: var/log/server-%d.log
              archivedFileCount: 5
              timeZone: UTC
              threshold: INFO
            - type: console
              threshold: INFO
            - type: web-logger
              currentLogFilename: ./var/log/fe-logger-usage.json.log
              archivedLogFilenamePattern: ./var/log/fe-logger-usage-%d.json.log
              archivedFileCount: 5
  3. Have your configuration implement WebLoggerConfigurationProvider:

     public final class ExampleApplicationConfiguration extends Configuration
             implements WebLoggerConfigurationProvider {
         private final WebLoggerConfiguration webLogger;
         public ExampleApplicationConfiguration(
             @JsonProperty("webLogger") WebLoggerConfiguration webLogger) {
             this.webLogger = webLogger;
         public WebLoggerConfiguration getWebLogger() {
             return this.webLogger;
  4. Add the bundle to your Dropwizard application.

     public void initialize(Bootstrap<ExampleApplicationConfiguration> bootstrap) {
         bootstrap.addBundle(new WebLoggerBundle());


If an eventName is passed in that isn't specified in the configuration file, a user will get the follow error:

  "code": 400,
  "message": "The eventName provided is not specified in the configuration."

The log will not be recorded.

Setting up the project with an IDE

with Eclipse, import the project and run:

    ./gradlew eclipse

with IntelliJ, import the project and run:

    ./gradlew idea

Authentication and Security

While it is possible to use this bundle without requiring user authentication or handling possible XSRF (cross-site request forgery) issues, the data collected by the event logger would likely not be useful.

It is strongly recommended that this bundle be used together with authentication and XSRF prevention.