
Converts XML to TypeScript interface types compatible with JSON produced by the xml2js parser

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Convert multiple XML examples into TypeScript interfaces compatible with xml2js (flattened JSON output)

#Poor, I know, I'm new to Typescript/Cli code
./src/index.ts -h
  • Better explained usage, here in the README
  • Removal of 'TSBB' Typescript build tool, for more stand tooling (e.g. tsc, ts-node)
  • Complete 'npm i global' installable CLi feature (how?)
  • Possibly use of Commander CLi project, instead o the very capable Caporal (larger user base?)
  • Add feature toggle(s) for xml2js in-bound JSON representations
  • Make use of more of QuickType's output formats, e.g. other languages (Java, etc.)