A maven plugin for jmh benchmark test(Java基准测试工具).
Know JMH
JMH is a Java harness for building, running, and analysing nano/micro/milli/macro benchmarks written in Java and other languages targetting the JVM.
Plugin Usage:
Run in command line:
mvn clean test
follow paramter could close benchmark test action at command line
mvn clean test -DskipBenchmark
参数名 | 默认值 | 说明 |
forks | 1 | Number of forks to use in the run |
warmupForks | 1 | Number of forks to use in warm up action |
threads | 1 | Number of threads to run the benchmark in |
mode | thrpt | Benchmark mode. thrpt(Throughput) avgt(AverageTime) sample(SampleTime) ss(SingleShotTime) all(All) |
timeUnit | s | Timeunit to use in results. ns ms us s m |
measurementTime | 1s | How long each measurement iteration should take? day, hr, us, ms, min, ns, s |
warmupTime | 1s | How long each warmup iteration should take? day, hr, us, ms, min, ns, s |
timeout | 10s | How long to wait for iteration execution day, hr, us, ms, min, ns, s (since 1.0.3) |
measurementIterations | 5 | How many measurement measurementIterations to do |
warmupIterations | 3 | How many warmup iterations to do? |
resultFormat | JSON | ResultFormatType to use in the run TEXT, CSV, SCSV, JSON, LATEX, |
resultFile | Output filename to write the result to maven target output 使用JMH可视化工具打开:jmh-visual-chart 或者 jmh-visualizer | |
benchmarkIncludes | Include benchmark in the run. multiple split by ";" | |
warmUpBenchmarkIncludes | What other benchmarks to warmup along the way. multiple split by ";" | |
multiResultFileOutput | false | Output split result file from benchmarkIncludes (since 1.0.3) |