
maven plugin for jmh benchmark test tools

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A maven plugin for jmh benchmark test(Java基准测试工具).

Build Status Maven Central

Know JMH

JMH is a Java harness for building, running, and analysing nano/micro/milli/macro benchmarks written in Java and other languages targetting the JVM.

Plugin Usage:


Run in command line:

mvn clean test

follow paramter could close benchmark test action at command line

mvn clean test -DskipBenchmark


参数名 默认值 说明
forks 1 Number of forks to use in the run
warmupForks 1 Number of forks to use in warm up action
threads 1 Number of threads to run the benchmark in
mode thrpt Benchmark mode. thrpt(Throughput) avgt(AverageTime) sample(SampleTime) ss(SingleShotTime) all(All)
timeUnit s Timeunit to use in results. ns ms us s m
measurementTime 1s How long each measurement iteration should take? day, hr, us, ms, min, ns, s
warmupTime 1s How long each warmup iteration should take? day, hr, us, ms, min, ns, s
timeout 10s How long to wait for iteration execution day, hr, us, ms, min, ns, s (since 1.0.3)
measurementIterations 5 How many measurement measurementIterations to do
warmupIterations 3 How many warmup iterations to do?
resultFormat JSON ResultFormatType to use in the run TEXT, CSV, SCSV, JSON, LATEX,
resultFile Output filename to write the result to maven target output 使用JMH可视化工具打开:jmh-visual-chart 或者 jmh-visualizer
benchmarkIncludes Include benchmark in the run. multiple split by ";"
warmUpBenchmarkIncludes What other benchmarks to warmup along the way. multiple split by ";"
multiResultFileOutput false Output split result file from benchmarkIncludes (since 1.0.3)