
it's a simple todo app using api call.

Primary LanguageC++

Todo App with API This is a simple TODO application with a RESTful API that allows users to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on tasks. It's designed to help users manage their tasks efficiently.


Create Add new tasks with a title and optional description.

Read Retrieve a list of all tasks. Retrieve a single task by its ID.

Update Edit task details, such as title and description.

Delete Remove tasks from the list.


Splash Screen -A welcoming screen that appears when the application is launched. It usually displays the app's logo or a brief animation while the app initializes.

Home Screen -Displays a list of tasks with their titles and a brief description. -Allows users to select a task to view its details. -Provides an option to add a new task.

Task Details Screen -Shows the details of a selected task, including its title, description, and other relevant information. -Offers an option to edit the task's details. -Allows users to delete the task.

Add Task Screen -A form where users can enter a new task's title and description. -Provides a "Add" button to add the task to the list. -May also include a "Cancel" option to discard the task creation.

Update Task Screen -Similar to the "Add Task" screen but pre-filled with the existing task's details. -Allows users to modify the task's title and description. -Provides options to save the changes or cancel the update.

App Screenshot

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 7 32 46 PM WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 7 32 47 PM WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 7 32 47 PM (1) WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 7 32 48 PM