
Python Template For Gomaneshgar's Bot Written in Python

Primary LanguagePython


Python Template For Gomaneshgar's Bot Written in Python 3 .

How to Run ?

First of all install Python >= 3.5 and then install pip3.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.5
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

OR Compile with Source:

wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.5.1/Python-3.5.1.tgz
tar xfz Python-3.5.*
cd Python-3.5.*
./configure --with-ensurepip=install
sudo make install

Run These commands for Resolving the dependencies.

sudo pip3 install pip -U
sudo pip3 install telepot -U
sudo pip3 install demjson

Set Configs & Run

Open config.json then add Group, Token and The bot's Username.After that just run this command to run!

python3 bot.py


This bot is plugins based so you can add a lot of plugins in plugins folder. The plugins structure are shown below.

import asyncio

from message import Message

def run(message, matches, chat_id, step):
    return Message(chat_id).set_text("The Championship is started.")

plugin = {
    "name": "start",
    "run": run,
    "patterns": ["^آغاز$"]

This is start plugin and each plugin has some values in a dictionary with plugin name:

name --> plugin name 
patterns --> some regex in a list to fire this plugin to run ...

Inside run function do everything do you want and then if you want to send message just return this object :

return Message(chat_id).set_text("Sample Text")


This file contains 4 function that Your AI should implement there :

choose_question --> Will ask question when your turn up ...
make_guess --> Will Find a guess ...
has_any_point_for_direct --> if it is true, it will ask a Direct Question with make_guess() return Value else it will ask from choose_question()
has_any_point_for_vanahesht --> if it is true, it will send Vanahesht message with make_guess()


If you want to answer, you can use vanahesht("ANSWER") function in bot.py.


In plugins/guess.py there is a function and its name is make_guess. Complete this function and it will send the return value when حدس message send or after the twenieth question.

Send Message Without Firing a Event !!

Your AI can work in other threads (For calculating a new question or sending Vanahesht). If you want Send Message whenever you want just send it into sender_queue :



Just rename aifunctions-sample.py to aifunctions.py to Test it.

It choose a random question and answer and for question number 101 ask a direct question and for question number 999 message a vanahesht.


There is a history variable in bot.py that stores all questions with their answer from another bots.


Please feel free to ask any questions here by issues or on telegram via @Siyanew