
RNAseq pipeline

Primary LanguagePython

RNAseq Paired End pipeline

Adapted from Xiyao's pipeline to run on PDC by Miguel Brown, 2015 May



usage: basic_node_setup.py [-h] [-id BID] [-j CONFIG_FILE] [-w WAIT]

VM spawner for pipeline processes. Sets up vm for sample analysis and attaches storage references

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -id BID, --BID BID Project Bionimbus ID -j CONFIG_FILE, --json CONFIG_FILE JSON config file with snapshot ids and set up params -w WAIT, --wait WAIT Wait time before giving up on spawning an image. Reommended value 600 (in seconds)


Simple helper module that prints the current timestamp


usage: attach_cinder.py [-h] [-sid SID] [-vid VID] [-id BID] [-s SIZE] [-ip IP] [-w WAIT]

Attaches cinder volume with references to existing vm

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -sid SID, --snapshot-id SID ID of snapshot. Use cinder to find -vid VID, --virt-mach VID Virtual machine id. Use Nova to find -id BID, --BID BID Bionimbpus project id -s SIZE, --size SIZE Cinder reference size. Recommended value 200 (in GB) -ip IP, --ip_add IP VM IP address -w WAIT, --wait WAIT Wait time before giving up on spawning an image. Recommended value 300 (in seconds)


usage: cleanup.py [-h] [-cid CID] [-vid VID] [-id BID] [-ip VIP]

Breaks down a vm built with the standard of having the bionimbus project ID as part of it's name and attached to a reference

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -cid CID, --cinder-id CID ID of attached cinder volume. Use cinder to find -vid VID, --virt-mach VID Virtual machine id. Use Nova to find -id BID, --BID BID Bionimbpus project id -ip VIP, --ip_add VIP VM IP address


JSON config file with standard references and tools locations


Command basic_node_setup.py uses to mount a reference to a vm.


usage: setup_vm.py [-h] [-id BID] [-im IMAGE] [-w WAIT] [-f FLAVOR] [-k KEY]

VM spawner for pipeline processes

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -id BID, --BID BID Project Bionimbus ID -im IMAGE, --image IMAGE Image id to spawn -w WAIT, --wait WAIT Wait time before giving up on spawning an image. Reommended value 300 (in seconds) -f FLAVOR, --flavor FLAVOR Image "flavor" to spawn -k KEY, --key KEY Image key-pair to use


JSON configuration parameters for creating a pipeline vm and attaching reference storage to it


Command cleanup.py uses to unmount a reference from a vm.


usage: download_from_swift.py [-h] [-c CONT] [-o OBJ]

Simple download module to get files from swift. Can use prefix or whole object name

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONT, --container CONT Swift container, i.e. PANCAN -o OBJ, --object OBJ Swift object name/prefix, i.e. RAW/2015-1234


usage: upload_variants_to_swift.py [-h] [-o OBJ] [-c CONT] [-sl SAMPLE_LIST] [-sp SAMPLE_PAIRS]

Uploads current directory contents to specified object and container

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OBJ, --object OBJ Swift object name root to use for aligned merged bam files. i.e. ALIGN/2015-1234 -c CONT, --container CONT Swfit container name to upload to. i.e. PANCAN -sl SAMPLE_LIST, --sample_list SAMPLE_LIST Sample list, one per line -sp SAMPLE_PAIRS, --sample_pairs SAMPLE_PAIRS Sample tumor/normal pairs, tsv file with bid pair, sample1, sample2


usage: upload_to_swift.py [-h] [-o OBJ] [-c CONT]

Uploads current directory contents to specified object and container

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OBJ, --object OBJ Swift object name to upload current directory contents to. i.e. ALIGN/2015-1234 -c CONT, --container CONT Swfit container to upload to. i.e. PANCAN


usage: update_couchdb.py [-h] [-f FN]

Update couch db with qc stats using a json object list file

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FN, --file FN qc_stats.json document list



usage: pipeline.py [-h] [-f1 END1] [-f2 END2] [-t SEQTYPE] [-j CONFIG_FILE] [-m REF_MNT]

RNA alignment paired-end QC pipeline

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f1 END1, --file1 END1 First fastq file -f2 END2, --file2 END2 Second fastq file -j CONFIG_FILE, --json CONFIG_FILE JSON config file containing tool and reference locations -m REF_MNT, --mount REF_MNT Drive mount location. Example would be /mnt/cinder/REFS_XXX

Runs the following submodules in order:
  1. cutadapter
  2. bwt2_pe
  3. novosort_sort_pe
  4. fastqc
  5. picard_insert_size
  6. tophat
  7. align_stats
  8. cufflinks
  9. report

Pipeline submodule descriptions:

cutadapter.py [-h] [-sa SAMPLE] [-f1 END1] [-f2 END2] [-j CONFIG_FILE]

cutadapt module. Removes 3' adapters and trims bases if necessary.Also can enforce minimum read length - 15 recommended

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -sa SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE Sample/location name prefix -f1 END1, --file1 END1 First of paired-end fastq file -f2 END2, --file2 END2 Second of paired-end fastq file -j CONFIG_FILE, --json CONFIG_FILE JSON config file containing tool and reference locations


usage: bwt2_pe.py [-h] [-b BWT_TOOL] [-br BWT_REF] [-f1 END1] [-f2 END2] [-s SAMTOOLS_TOOL] [-sr SAMTOOLS_REF] [-sa SAMPLE] [-t T] [-l LOG_DIR]

Bowtie2 paired-end alignment module. Used for insert size estimation toward beginning using read subset.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BWT_TOOL, --bwt BWT_TOOL Location of bowtie2 alignment tool. -br BWT_REF, --bwt_reference BWT_REF Location of bwt reference file -f1 END1, --file1 END1 First of paired-end fastq file -f2 END2, --file2 END2 Second of paired-end fastq file -s SAMTOOLS_TOOL, --samtools SAMTOOLS_TOOL Location of samtools tool. Version 1.19 preferred. -sr SAMTOOLS_REF, --samtools_reference SAMTOOLS_REF Location of samtools reference -sa SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE Sample/project name prefix -t T, --threads T Number of threads -l LOG_DIR, --log LOG_DIR LOG directory location


usage: novosort_sort_pe.py [-h] [-n NOVOSORT] [-sa SAMPLE] [-l LOG_DIR] [-t T] [-m MEM]

novosort tool to sort BAM module.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n NOVOSORT, --novosort NOVOSORT novosort binary location -sa SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE Sample/project name prefix -l LOG_DIR, --log LOG_DIR LOG directory location -t T, --threads T Number of threads -m MEM, --memory MEM Memory - in GB


usage: fastqc.py [-h] [-f FASTQC_TOOL] [-sa SAMPLE] [-f1 END1] [-f2 END2]

fastqc module. Provides quality stats for fastq file and is independent of alignment.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FASTQC_TOOL, --fastqc FASTQC_TOOL Location of fastqc tool. -sa SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE Sample/location name prefix -f1 END1, --file1 END1 First of paired-end fastq file -f2 END2, --file2 END2 Second of paired-end fastq file


usage: picard_insert_size.py [-h] [-j JAVA_TOOL] [-p PICARD_TOOL] [-sa SAMPLE] [-l LOG_DIR]

Picard collect insert size metrics module. Gathers insert size metrics, run after removing BAM duplicates.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -j JAVA_TOOL, --java JAVA_TOOL Java location directory, version jdk1.7.0_45 preferred -p PICARD_TOOL, --picard PICARD_TOOL Picard jar file location -sa SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE Sample/project name prefix -l LOG_DIR, --log LOG_DIR LOG directory location


usage: tophat.py [-h] [-t TOPHAT_TOOL] [-tx TX] [-b BWT2_REF] [-f1 END1] [-f2 END2] [-x X] [-sd S] [-sa SAMPLE] [-l LOG_DIR] [-th TH]

tophat paired-end alignment and transcript assembly module.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t TOPHAT_TOOL, --tophat TOPHAT_TOOL Location of tophat alignment tool. -tx TX, --transcriptome TX Location of pre-built transcriptome -b BWT2_REF, --bwt2_reference BWT2_REF Location of bowtie2 reference file -f1 END1, --file1 END1 First of paired-end fastq file -f2 END2, --file2 END2 Second of paired-end fastq file -x X, --mean X Mean insert size -sd S, --standard_deviation S Standard deviation of insert size -sa SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE Sample/project name prefix -l LOG_DIR, --log LOG_DIR LOG directory location -th TH, --threads TH Number of threads


usage: align_stats.py [-h] [-sa SAMPLE]

Alignment summary report. Converts tophat alignment summary to a table format

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -sa SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE Sample/location name prefix


usage: cufflinks.py [-h] [-c CUFFLINKS_TOOL] [-e ENS_REF] [-g GENOME] [-sa SAMPLE] [-l LOG_DIR] [-t T]

Annotation and fpkm estimation. Run after tophat.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CUFFLINKS_TOOL, --cufflinks CUFFLINKS_TOOL Location of cufflinks tool. -e ENS_REF, --ensembl_reference ENS_REF Location of ensembl reference file -g GENOME, --genome GENOME Location of genome reference file -sa SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE Sample/project name prefix -l LOG_DIR, --log LOG_DIR LOG directory location -t T, --threads T Number of threads


usage: report.py [-h] [-sa SAMPLE] [-r REF_GTF] [-c TX_GTF]

Transcript annotation summart report. Parses cufflinks trnascripts.gtf and adds gene symbols and transcript biotype

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -sa SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE Sample/location name prefix -r REF_GTF, --reference REF_GTF Reference gtf file used to annotate - preferably GENCODE with gene name and genetype -c TX_GTF, --cufflinks TX_GTF Cufflinks transcript output file