
TapSwapBot App AutoClicker

Primary LanguagePython


🖱️ clicker for https://t.me/tapswap_bot

Recommendation before use

🔥🔥 Use PYTHON 3.10 🔥🔥


Functional Supported
Binding a proxy to a session
Auto-purchase of items if you have coins (tap, energy, charge)
Random sleep time between clicks
Random number of clicks per request
Support tdata / pyrogram .session / telethon .session
Настройка Описание
API_ID / API_HASH Platform data from which to launch a Telegram session (stock - Android)
MIN_AVAILABLE_ENERGY Minimum amount of available energy, upon reaching which there will be a delay (eg 100)
SLEEP_BY_MIN_ENERGY Delay when reaching minimum energy in seconds (eg [1800,2400])
ADD_TAPS_ON_TURBO How many taps will be added when turbo is activated (eg 2500)
AUTO_UPGRADE_TAP Should I improve the tap (True / False)
MAX_TAP_LEVEL Maximum level of tap pumping (up to 20)
AUTO_UPGRADE_ENERGY Should I improve the energy (True / False)
MAX_ENERGY_LEVEL Maximum level of energy pumping (up to 20)
AUTO_UPGRADE_CHARGE Should I improve the charge (True / False)
MAX_CHARGE_LEVEL Maximum level of charge pumping (up to 5)
APPLY_DAILY_ENERGY Whether to use the daily free energy boost (True / False)
APPLY_DAILY_TURBO Whether to use the daily free turbo boost (True / False)
RANDOM_CLICKS_COUNT Random number of taps (eg [50,200])
SLEEP_BETWEEN_TAP Random delay between taps in seconds (eg [10,25])
USE_PROXY_FROM_FILE Whether to use proxy from the bot/config/proxies.txt file (True / False)

📕 Profiles

Possible to create a profile with unique data for each session:

  "session1": {
    "proxy": "socks5://yGow3a:uBro3wL@",
    "headers": {"...": "..."},
    "fingerprint": {"...": "..."}
  "session2": {
    "proxy": "socks5://yGow3a:uBro3wL@",
    "headers": {"...": "..."},
    "fingerprint": {"...": "..."}
  "...": {}

Note: session1 и session2 - are examples of session names.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Python version 3.10
  • Telegram API_ID and API_HASH (you can get them here)

Obtaining API Keys

  1. Go to my.telegram.org and log in using your phone number.
  2. Select "API development tools" and fill out the form to register a new application.
  3. Record the API_ID and API_HASH provided after registering your application in the .env file.

Auto Install/Run

  • Click on RUN.bat to automatically install the required dependencies and run the project

Menual Install/Run

  1. Install the required dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Please edit the name file .env-example to .env and add your API_ID and API_HASH:


  1. Run the bot:
    python main.py

Install/Run into Phone

Termux Setup

Link about python and pip on Termux that comes with the pkg python

git clone https://github.com/sizifart/TapSwapBot.git
cd TapSwapBot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x main.py

Telegram Channel

✅ Channel for information and training on Telegram airdrop bots 🔷 Follow us on Telegram : SIZIFAIRDROP


If you have an question or something you can ask in here : F.Davoodi