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An Open Source Mobile Forensics Investigation Tool for Android Platform
Uni Codes
With the growing popularity of BitCoin in the last couple of years, other blockchains have been in development for solving various problems that need distributed consensus. Ethereum blockchain is one example, that gives users to develop "smart contracts" that runs in the blockchain. This gives the ability to develop decentralized applications (or dApps). Users do not need to 'trust' anything or anybody. In addition to that, dApps are always available and will be guaranteed to be available in the future as well. Also, it is resistant to traditional attacks such as DDoS. This framework has given many developers to write a decentralized application without much effort, without needing distributed systems or cryptography knowledge. Many startups are actively developing applications for Ethereum such as Ethereum Name Service (ENS), Etheria or WeiFund. Unfortunately, because the technology being used is bleeding edge it is inevitable that attacks or hacks will target these apps for monetary reasons. Last year DAO suffered a severe attack because of its security flaws. Due to that attack, 3.6m ether was stolen from DAO's smart contract. Also, once you publish a smart contract in Ethereum it is not possible to modify or update it as a regular web application. Thus, even developers identify a critical bug in the contract it is not possible to push a bugfix in a straightforward way. Thus, in order to fill the gap of not having a proper 'smart contract' compatible monitoring service, we propose to build a web application that can monitor other smart contracts in Ethereum and give the capability to safeguard it's critical functions (Ether send and receive) and interact and visualize with smart contract functions in a much simpler way. Also depending smart contracts can using our base smart contracts to gain the advantage of having 'circuit-breaker' which will pause the activity if things go wrong in an unexpected way.
Use GNU Make to build Golang projects with embedded build metadata
A REST API to validate the IBAN written in Golang
Online Physical Trainer System for University of Colombo Department of Physical Education
4 th year research supporting files
University of Colombo Location Services Platform
sizijay's Repositories
With the growing popularity of BitCoin in the last couple of years, other blockchains have been in development for solving various problems that need distributed consensus. Ethereum blockchain is one example, that gives users to develop "smart contracts" that runs in the blockchain. This gives the ability to develop decentralized applications (or dApps). Users do not need to 'trust' anything or anybody. In addition to that, dApps are always available and will be guaranteed to be available in the future as well. Also, it is resistant to traditional attacks such as DDoS. This framework has given many developers to write a decentralized application without much effort, without needing distributed systems or cryptography knowledge. Many startups are actively developing applications for Ethereum such as Ethereum Name Service (ENS), Etheria or WeiFund. Unfortunately, because the technology being used is bleeding edge it is inevitable that attacks or hacks will target these apps for monetary reasons. Last year DAO suffered a severe attack because of its security flaws. Due to that attack, 3.6m ether was stolen from DAO's smart contract. Also, once you publish a smart contract in Ethereum it is not possible to modify or update it as a regular web application. Thus, even developers identify a critical bug in the contract it is not possible to push a bugfix in a straightforward way. Thus, in order to fill the gap of not having a proper 'smart contract' compatible monitoring service, we propose to build a web application that can monitor other smart contracts in Ethereum and give the capability to safeguard it's critical functions (Ether send and receive) and interact and visualize with smart contract functions in a much simpler way. Also depending smart contracts can using our base smart contracts to gain the advantage of having 'circuit-breaker' which will pause the activity if things go wrong in an unexpected way.
A REST API to validate the IBAN written in Golang
Use GNU Make to build Golang projects with embedded build metadata
4 th year research supporting files
University of Colombo Location Services Platform
FUSE driver for APFS (Apple File System)
Automated Download Queue for Enterprise to take the best use of Internet bandwidth
Bassa mobile application
Docker Exercises
Dronesym is a platform enabling users to handle and track their drone fleets in real time. Users can have functionality to add new drones configure their flight paths and monitor their progress through a web dashboard.
IOS/Android News app
ADB Based Acquisition Tool for Android Forensics
GO files for card functions
Go learning exercises
A simple keylogger for Windows, Linux and Mac
Massa - Mobile Accessible Social Sharing Agent
Nexmo REST API client for PHP. API support for SMS, Voice, Text-to-Speech, Numbers, Verify (2FA) and more.
Digital Forensics project
An Open Source Mobile Forensics Investigation Tool for Android Platform
Sustainable Computing Research Group (SCoRe)
Shell Scripts
Stackle is an web communication portal aimed at providing Open Source organizations a platform to have discussions on their github projects and their issues. It provides Github intergration which allows adminstrator of an organization to create a forum thread for the particualr organization. Users signing in is able to view forums of the organizations they contribute to and engage in the forum discussions.
UoC Location Based Services Platform - Java Socket API Server
Western Digital Decryption tools
Exploit for zerologon cve-2020-1472