
LitElement Single File Component loader for Webpack.

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Single File Component LitElement loader for Webpack

Example repository

Checkout the working repository for a more comprehensive example: https://github.com/PolymerX/lit-loader-example


Because we love separation of concerns also without separation of files! This loader will produce a Web Component using the LitElement starting from a Single File Component, like Vue.


The loader does a simple job: take your .lit file and build up as single js file. And you can easily use PostCSS on your styles.


$ yarn add --dev lit-loader


Add to Webpack

Add the loader to your Webpack conf webpack.config.js:


module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.lit$/,
        loader: 'lit-loader'


Create your first .lit element


<style lang="postcss"> <!-- This will enable PostCSS compilation -->
  span {
    width: 20px;
    display: inline-block;
    text-align: center;
    font-weight: bold;

      Clicked: <span>${props.clicks}</span> times.
      Value is <span>${props.value}</span>.
      <button on-click="${() => this._onIncrement()}" title="Add 1">+</button>
      <button on-click="${() => this._onDecrement()}" title="Minus 1">-</button>

  export default class CounterElement {
    static get properties() { return {
      clicks: Number,
      value: Number

    constructor() {
      this.clicks = 0;
      this.value = 0;

    _onIncrement() {
      this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('counter-incremented'));

    _onDecrement() {
      this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('counter-decremented'));

  window.customElements.define('counter-element', CounterElement);

Import it within another element and use it


import {LitElement, html} from '@polymer/lit-element';


import './CounterElement.lit';

export default class MyApp extends LitElement {

	_render(props) {
		return html`



Use with Babel

Just chain the babel-loader AFTER the lit-loader like so:

module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.lit$/,
        use: ['babel-loader', 'lit-loader']

PostCSS configuration

You need to add a PostCSS configuration file (postcss.config.js) if you want to use it.

Current status

I think this should be considered experimental and I will try to improve it as much as I can. I really would love to accept some PR's to improve the project. 🤘


MIT © LasaleFamine