
Running coturn with prometheus and grafana on docker

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Running Coturn + Promethes + Grafana in Docker

  1. Run $ docker compose up to start services.

  2. Test CoTurn connection.
    Use Firefox, go to https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/trickle-ice/.
    Type in

  • STUN or TURN URI: turn:localhost:3478?transport=tcp
  • username: hello
  • password: world

Note: Chrome has some connection issue (error code 701).

  1. Check Prometheus statistics.
    Go to http://localhost:9641/metrics. This pages shows the metrics of CoTurn server.
    It will export to Prometheus. Go to http://localhost:9090/graph and type in metrics in the previous link such as turn_traffic_sentb.