
SJ's .dotfiles, These are my important dotfiles for my Computer, Linux OS, Shell, Vim, NeoVim, Emacs, i3wm, tmux, etc... Feel free to use them, or even a small part from them. If you like then you can give this repository a star on github.

Primary LanguageShell

SJ's Dotfiles

These are my .dotfiles

Computer Style

Everyone has different style of using computer, or working on computer. This is my style of working with computers.


  1. Use computer 100% powerfully, productively, and fastly.
    • Do what is needed, don't waste time in doing unnecessary stuff.
  2. ...

Tools I use

  1. I use Linux & Windows
    • I've configured 2 SSDs on my computer, one where I put my Windows (Secondary OS)
      • I use Windows for gaming and game development / Graphic Design / Video Editing, etc...
    • Second one for Linux (My primary OS)
      • I use Linux for Programming stuff & Using overall computer
  2. On Linux
    • Fedora - All time favorite
    • I use i3wm as tiling window manager
    • Kitty - Terminal
    • Tmux - Terminal Multiplexer
    • Emacs - Code Editor
    • Vim - Code Editor
    • NeoVim - Code Editor
    • Firefox - Browser
  3. On Windows
    • Windows 11
    • Command Prompt - Terminal
    • Emacs - Code Editor
    • Firefox - Browser
  4. Common
    • First thing - turn off all animations


  1. Emacs/Vim/NeoVim/Terminal
    • Liberation Mono - Size = 11.5

Feel Free to use them If you want to.

Have a great day.