
A solidity contract system framework for flexible multi-contract dapps.

dappsys dappsys version Language Solidity

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dappsys is contract system framework. It is a collection of Solidity contracts (classes) to help manage multi-contract dapps on ethereum.


On February 24th, 2016, Piper Merriam completed and signed a code audit covering the state of Dappsys as of commit 4dceee5.


npm install dapple
dapple install https://github.com/nexusdev/dappsys

How to

1.0 Contracts


Mixin Types

DSAuth or DSAuthorized: Mixin contract with the auth modifier.

DSAuthUser: DSAuthModesEnum + DSAuthorizedEvents + DSAuthUtils

DSAuthUtils: Wrappers for updateAuthority (setOwner and setAuthority)

Concrete Types

DSBasicAuthority: Simple DSAuthority implementation with setCanCall(caller, code, sig, can_call)

Abstract Types:

DSAuthority: canCall(caller, code, sig) returns (cal_call)

DSAuthorizedEvents: Event definitions for DSAuthorized events.

DSAuthModesEnum: Enum definition for DSAuthModes.


Mixin Types

DSBaseActor: exec and tryExec, wrappers around .call.


Concrete Types

DSMap: word-sized keys to word-sized values

DSNullMap: Nullable version of DSMap. Throws on null get, has tryGet with error return argument.

DSBalanceDB: Typed map for "balances" (set/add/subtract/move), used with token

DSApprovalDB: Typed map for "approvals" (set), used with token



DSFactory1: Factories for most types in v1. TODO special usage for install vs build


Concrete Types

DSEasyMultisig: A multisig actor optimized for ease of use.


Abstract Types

ERC20: Token standard: ethereum/EIPs#20

ERC20Stateful: Subset of ERC20 which affects state and also depends on msg.sender.

ERC20Stateless: Subset of ERC20 which are getters that do not affect state and do not depend on msg.sender.

ERC20Events: Type that contains ERC20 event definitions.

DSToken: alias for ERC20

DSTokenControllerType: Variants of ERC20Stateful with an extra _caller argument.

DSTokenEventCallback: emitX for X in ERC20Events

Concrete Types

DSTokenRegistry: DSTokenProvider implementation - a DSNullMap with getToken, address-returning alias for get.

DSTokenFrontend: A proxy contract for ERC20/DSToken which forwards to a set DSTokenControllerType. See factory/token_installer.sol.

DSTokenController: A DSTokeControllerType implementation which implements minimal ERC20 logic. See factory/token_installer.sol.

Mixin Types

DSTokenProviderUser: DSToken functions with an extra bytes32 symbol argument, plus some extra helper mixins and internal functions for common token usages.

DSTokenBase: A base contract for single-contract token implementations.


DSEthToken: A contract which wraps the native ether functionality in an ERC20-compliant Token contract.