
Android Mansions of Madness Dice Roller Tutorial Part4

Primary LanguageJava

Android Tutorial - Dice Roller App for Mansions of Madness - Part 4 of 5

A world without buttons!

In this tutorial I'm building:

Screen Video

Concepts Covered:

  • Position aware views

Reader Requirements

  • Beginner Level Java
  • Android: Views and Layouts
  • Android: Basic Layout XML design



Buttons suck

Buttons are the dominant mechanism that apps use to trigger some behavior. Sure, it works...but I find that buttons on mobile interfaces pretty annoying to use. I believe that app should be as much as possible gesture driven. In this tutorial I trim away the hold and change buttons away from the interface.

Currently, the five buttons are add, remove, roll, change, and hold. Now that the dice graphic is touch draggable, I propose using gestures to hold dice and change dice. Specifically, i'm going to create zones in the interface that will hold the dice and switch the dice to some value.


App Design

Implementation Steps

  1. Butterknife refactor
  2. Position Listener
  3. State Change

Step 1 : View binding with Butterknife

In the previous tutorial, I reorganized the code to have a bit of structure.

Step 2 : Refactoring the View Presenter relationship

In part 4, I introduced Presenter-View modules where all UI events call the Presenter object and the presenter instructs UI behavior based. By removing 2 buttons and introducing zones, the UI events change from

  • click add Button
  • click remove Button
  • click roll Button
  • click change Button
  • click hold button
  • release dice
  • touch background layout


  • click add Button
  • click remove Button
  • click roll Button
  • dice in hold/roll/switch zone

On the View side we change from

  • updateDiceCount
  • spinDice
  • refreshDiceLayout
  • highlightDice
  • unhighlightAllDice
  • disableChangeButton
  • enableChangeButton
  • disableHoldButton
  • enableHoldButton


  • updateDiceCount
  • spinDice
  • redrawDice

The removal of buttons simplified the interface between the two layers by about a half.

To implement these changes, I modify my touch listener to inspect the position of dice to see what zone it is in.

public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) {

       case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN :
           parms = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
           dx = event.getRawX() - parms.leftMargin;
           dy = event.getRawY() - parms.topMargin;
       case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE :
           x = event.getRawX();
           y = event.getRawY();

           parms.leftMargin = boundifyX(x-dx);
           parms.topMargin = boundifyY(y-dy);

           if(inHoldZone(parms)) {
               presenter.diceInZone(index, Zone.HOLD);

               if(diceInLeftFlipZone(parms)) {
                   presenter.diceInZone(index, Zone.SWITCH_BLANK);
               } else if(diceInRightFlipZone(parms)) {
                   presenter.diceInZone(index, Zone.SWITCH_MAGNIFY);
               } else if(diceInCenterFlipZone(parms)) {
                   presenter.diceInZone(index, Zone.SWITCH_STAR);
           } else {
               presenter.diceInZone(index, Zone.ROLL);

   return true;

The presenter will set the new state for the dice and notify the View layer to redraw all dice.

public void diceInZone(int index, Zone type) {
     Dice dice = diceList.get(index);

     switch(type) {
         case HOLD:
         case ROLL:
         case SWITCH_MAGNIFY:
             dice.diceVal = Dice.Face.MAGNIFY;
         case SWITCH_BLANK:
             dice.diceVal = Dice.Face.BLANK;
         case SWITCH_STAR:
             dice.diceVal = Dice.Face.STAR;

What's boundify?

The method boundifyX() is a convenient method I wrote that ensures that when the user drags the dice around the screen, the dice remains in bounds.