Succinct is a data store that enables queries directly on a compressed representation of data. This repository maintains the Java implementations of Succinct's core algorithms, and applications that exploit them, such as a Spark binding for Succinct.
The master branch is in version 0.1.6-SNAPSHOT.
Succinct is built using Apache Maven. To build Succinct and its component modules, run:
mvn clean package
Alternatively, one can also use sbt
for building and development:
sbt/sbt gen-idea # can now import project into Intellij IDEA
sbt/sbt assembly # builds uber jars
sbt/sbt "~assembly" # incremental build
sbt/sbt "testOnly edu.berkeley.cs.succinct.sql.SuccinctSQLSuite"
sbt/sbt "project spark" "runMain edu.berkeley.cs.succinct.examples.WikiSearch <dataPath>"
The Succinct-Core module contains Java implementation of Succinct's core algorithms. See a more descriptive description of the core module here.
To build your application with Succinct-Core, you can link against this library using Maven by adding the following dependency information to your pom.xml file:
The Succinct-Spark module contains Spark and Spark SQL intefaces for Succinct,
exposes a compressed, queryable RDD SuccinctRDD
, which allows manipulating
unstructured data, and a SuccinctKVRDD
for querying semi-structured data
that can be represented as key-value pairs. We also expose Succinct
as a DataSource in Spark SQL as an experimental feature. More details on the
Succinct-Spark module can be found here.
To build your application with Succinct-Spark, you can link against this library using Maven by adding the following dependency information to your pom.xml file:
Add the dependency to your SBT project by adding the following to build.sbt
(see the Spark Packages listing
for spark-submit and Maven instructions):
resolvers += "Spark Packages Repo" at ""
libraryDependencies += "amplab" % "succinct" % "0.1.5"
The succinct-spark jar file can also be added to a Spark shell using the
command line option. For example, to include it when starting the
spark shell:
$ bin/spark-shell --jars succinct-0.1.5.jar