Boilerplate Bourbon + Neat + Bitter + Reffils + Jade

This project is my start project boilerplate based on static-starter which includes jade templating, HTML5 boilerplate, Normalize, html5shiv, bourbon, neat, bitters and reffils.

My modifications

What I did was create a simple layout for a home, about, news and contact page to get you started more easily. To the original project I've added several .scss, .sass and .jade files to build some common blocks based on Refills.

I also rebuild Refill navigation snippet into a flexbox version. I didn't like the use of JQuery for the mobile menu. I provided the Photoshop CS6 files for the hero image and the background. The bar logo I borrowed from and the cards images are from Flickr.

Feel free create issues, fork it and send pull requests.


To Do

  • Fallback for the flexbox menu for old IEs
  • Test on Windows browsers
  • Test on mobile hardware

Original doc:

Install npm dependencies

npm install

After that, just run the default gulp task with:



All paths and plugin settings have been abstracted into a centralized config object in gulp/config.js. Adapt the paths and settings to the structure and needs of your project.

Production files

There is also a production task you can run:

gulp production

This will run JavaScript tests, then re-build optimized, compressed css and js files to the build folder, as well as output their file sizes to the console. It's a shortcut for running the following tasks: karma, images, sass,pubfiles, jade, minifyCss, uglifyJs.

JavaScript Tests with Karma

This repo includes a basic js testing setup with the following: Karma, Mocha, Chai, and Sinon. There is karma gulp task, which the production task uses to run the tests before compiling. If any tests fail, the production task will abort.

To run the tests and start monitoring files:

./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start

Want to just run karma start? Either add alias karma="./node_modules/karma/bin/karma" to your shell config or install the karma command line interface globally with npm install -g karma-cli.
