
REST API with Laravel consume World Bank API

Primary LanguagePHP


Wolrbank REST API use Laravel Framework for getting data from worldbank about lending types and income levels in every country in world. Currentyl for this example authentication access is saved in sqlite database.


  • PHP >= 5.6
  • (optional) PHPUnit to run tests.
  • (optional) Dredd to run tests API Endpoint


  1. Clone the repository locally
  2. Install depedencies with composer Install
  3. Run web server: php artisan serve
  4. Access the web in address:


For authentication when accessing API Endpoint in this example, you can use:

  • username: admin@mail.com
  • password: admin123

How to run PHPUnit Test

  1. Install PHPUnit using phar or composer. Refer to this for installation details.
  2. Go to project root and type the following command: phpunit. This will execute all tests in Tests directory.

How to run API Endpoint Test Use dredd

  1. Make sure you have nodejs >= 4 and latest npm installed
  2. Install dredd via npm: npm install -g dredd@3.4.1
  3. Install dredd-hooks-php in root project: composer require ddelnano/dredd-hooks-php:~1.0.0
  4. Go to project root and type the following command: dredd This will execute all tests in API Endpoint in file apiary.apib from Apiary Docs

API Documentation

For getting information about the use of API Endpoint, please refer to this: WorldBank-API Documentation