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The idea is to have a block oriented database in UOP style - that is it includes UOP style database metadata.

A block oriented database of this kind can exist in memory or backed by a file system or backed by various types of cloud artifacts such as S3 or other object store.

An interest possibility of any memory casche containing some subpart of larger block database.

General Block Characteristics


Header identifies

  • type of block
  • next linked block
  • empty space in block

Special Blocks


These blocks map an external index to a block index and offset. Among other things this makes compaction easy. This is a specxal case of B* Index

B* Tree Index

Each block contains N index_value, pointer pairs and a pointer to parent and sibling blocks. This allows indexing of data in the database.

Class Descriptions

Description of structured data instances and their attributes, and pointer to first instance block. By convention block #1 is first Class Description block.

Tag Description

Tag instances with their names and ids. Block #2 is first Tag description block.

Group Description

Group instances with their containing groups, names and ids. Block #3 is first Group description block

Relations Description

Relationships with their role, reverse role, restrictions on subject and object. Block #4 is first Relationship Description Block.


pairs of tag_id, object_id


pairs of group_id, group_or_object_id


triples of subject_id, role_id, object_id Alternately somewhat redundant pairs of <role_id, subject_or_object_id>, {s: s is related by role_id to sobject_or_object_id


Block contains instances of a single class

Variable Length

This type of block stores variable length data where a single data item may span multiple blocks. There will be subtypes for specialized cases like mimetypes such as video or audio, strings/bytes, list[] etc.