A package to work with RabbitMQ in an elegant way.

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This package allows your laravel applications to easily communicate with each other in an event driven way.

One service can publish an event and another one can consume the event and take actions accordingly.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require sokanacademy/laravel-fluent-rabbitmq:^1.0

Then you should publish the package config with running this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-fluent-rabbitmq-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:


return [
    'host' => 'rabbitmq',
    'port' => '5672',
    'user' => 'guest',
    'password' => 'guest',

    'consumers' => [
//        [
//            'event' => '\App\Events\MyEvent',
//            'routing_key' => 'my_routing_key', // if this event does not use routing key then remove this line
//            'map_into' => '\App\Events\MapIntoEvent', // if you want to use the same event then remove this line
//        ],


Mark an event to be published on RabbitMQ

The only thing you must do is to make sure your event implements Sokanacademy\RabbitMQ\Support\ShouldPublish interface and that's it. All of the event's public properties will be published, and you can have access to them in your consumer. Make sure these properties are primitive or Arrayable.

If you want your event to be published using a routing key, then consider adding routingKey method to your event:

    public function routingKey(): string
        return 'routing_key';

declare exchanges in rabbitmq server

When a laravel application wants to publish events, you must run this command to create appropriate exchanges on RabbitMQ. For each event it will create an exchange with the name of event class. You can read more on exchanges types here.

The default type for exchanges will be 'fanout'. If you want to alter the type of exchange for an event you can add this property to your event:

    private static string $exchangeType = 'topic';

Consume events from RabbitMQ

In the rabbitmq.php config file you should list all the events you want to consume.

    'consumers' => [
//        [
//            'event' => '\App\Events\MyEvent',
//            'routing_key' => 'my_routing_key', // if this event does not use routing key then remove this line
//            'map_into' => '\App\Events\MapIntoEvent', // if you want to use the same event then remove this line
//        ],

If you have same event in both services (publisher and consumer) then you can omit the map_into option for the event.

Then you can start consuming events with the following command:

php artisan rabbitmq:consume


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.