Track Driving Simulator in MATLAB
- This simulator is intended for developing algorithms for autonomous cars.
- Can be easily tuned to implement reinforcement learning or inverse reinforcement learning algorithms.
Collecting Demonstrations (Run 'run_track01_manualcollect')
Check Collected Demonstrations (Run 'run_track02_checkcollected')
Train Controller with DMRL (Run 'run_track03_trainDMRL')
Test on More Complex Tracks (Run 'run_track04_testDMRL')
- The blue car is controlled by the keyboard and the red cars autonomously maintain each lanes.
- YouTube Link
- Control the car with keyboard inputs.
- Compose tracks with a block-building like manner.
- Lane width, length, number of lane, and the number of segments can also be modified.
- Obtainable features are
- Lane deviate distance / degree
- Distances from the closest right, center, and left cars
- Geodesic distance from the start lane
- Which lane and segment the current car is located at.
- Traffic Lights are added.
- Range finder sensors are added.