- changwoomonSeoul National University Hospital
- CoodingPenguin@kakao
- DHKim95BoostCamp
- djh0211건국대학교
- dongseoklee1541Performance By TBWA
- Euijune
- galsangHanyang University
- ghlrobinSeoul, South Korea
- Heeseok-JeongNH Bank
- hyunboolTmax AI
- imyjk729
- jiiyeonSuwon, Republic of Korea
- jimmykimmy68Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
- Jinhyeok1489DGIST BRM
- Jinu-uuSejong Unvi.
- jjerry-k@V-AIS, @doinglab
- kim-jinseopRepublic of Korea
- KimJinSuAI
- kyle-bongPrediction
- mickeyshoes
- minji-o-jLGE
- mskim94TEAMLAB
- mybirth0407@comp-stat
- nayohanLG Uplus CTO
- rjhwang08
- seungriyouSeongnam, Korea
- SeungyounShinSeoul, South Korea
- slaysd@naver
- snoop2headKAIST AI
- techperfect
- tttangmin
- ukcastleNota Inc.
- underthelightsSeoul National University, Graduate School of AI
- wavy-jung@kakao
- ymnseolSeoul, Republic of Korea
- zooyeonii