
Online banking website using React and Flask

Primary LanguagePython

Online Bank

This project is an online web-based bank system using React and Flask

Git setup

Install Git

Go to directory you want to work on

Open Git bash/command-line there and enter:

git clone https://github.com/KunHCS/flaskbank.git

React Setup

Install Node.js (npm), either LTS or latest version should work the same

Open command-line in flaskbank/react-app/ for the following

To install React dependencies

npm install

To test the react app, run:

npm start

To build the react app for flask to load, run:

npm run build

Flask Setup

Install Python

Install pip (if it didn't come with python for some reason)

Open command-line in project root folder for the following

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To start flask:

python run.py
python3 run.py

To grant access to local network (if network permits)

python run.py -l
python3 run.py -l

To see different options:

python run.py -h
python3 run.py -h

If everything is done correctly you should be able access the website using:

On your own machine
Local hosting (others on same network can access, if allowed)
http://<your local IP>:5000