
Blazing-fast, featherweight, and hassle-free self-hosted URL shortener

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT


Lightning fast, lightweight and minimal self-hosted url shortener


Semaphore initialized with 2666 slots.
[+] Running 1/0
 ✔ Container url-shortener-app-1  Running                                                                                                                                                                                   0.0s
2024-05-20T16:39:53.818306Z   INFO - micrate: No migrations to run. current version: 20240513130054
Captured API Key: 4y2mblZDneZLcI-YywHGFA
Waiting for database to be ready...
Creating 1000 short links...
Created short link 100/1000
Created short link 200/1000
Created short link 300/1000
Created short link 400/1000
Created short link 500/1000
Created short link 600/1000
Created short link 700/1000
Created short link 800/1000
Created short link 900/1000
Created short link 1000/1000
Accessing each link 10 times concurrently...
Average Memory Usage: 11.00 MiB
Average Response Time: 5.28 µs
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Container url-shortener-app-1  Removed                                                                                                                                                                                  10.2s
 ✔ Network url-shortener_default  Removed


  • Run via docker-compose
docker-compose up

docker-compose exec -it app migrate
docker-compose exec -it app cli --create-user=Admin
  • Run via docker cli
docker run \
    --name url-shortener \
    -p 4000:4000 \
    -e ENV="production" \
    -e DATABASE_URL="sqlite3://./sqlite/data.db?journal_mode=wal&synchronous=normal&foreign_keys=true" \
    -e APP_URL="http://localhost:4000" \

docker exec -it url-shortener migrate
docker exec -it url-shortener cli --create-user=Admin
  • Dokku
FROM sjdonado/url-shortener
dokku apps:create url-shortener

dokku domains:set url-shortener bit.donado.co 
dokku letsencrypt:enable url-shortener

dokku storage:ensure-directory url-shortener-sqlite
dokku storage:mount url-shortener /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/url-shortener-sqlite:/usr/src/app/sqlite/

dokku config:set url-shortener DATABASE_URL="sqlite3://./sqlite/data.db?journal_mode=wal&synchronous=normal&foreign_keys=true" APP_URL=https://bit.donado.co

dokku ports:add url-shortener http:80:4000
dokku ports:add url-shortener https:443:4000

dokku run url-shortener migrate
dokku run url-shortener cli --create-user=Admin



Endpoint HTTP Method Description Payload
/api/ping GET Ping the API to check if it's running -
/:slug GET Retrieve a link by its slug -
/api/links GET Retrieve all links -
/api/links POST Create a new link {"url": "https://example.com"}
/api/links/:id PUT Update an existing link by its ID {"url": "https://newexample.com"}
/api/links/:id DELETE Delete a link by its ID -


Usage: ./cli [options]
  --create-user=NAME  Create a new user with the given name
  --list-users        List all users
  --delete-user=USER_ID Delete a user by ID



brew tap amberframework/micrate
brew install micrate
shards run migrate
shards run url-shortener

Generate the X-Api-Key

shards run cli -- --create-user=Admin

Run tests

ENV=test crystal spec


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/sjdonado/url-shortener/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
