
ASGI file server that serves Seamless buffers

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Hash server

ASGI file server that serves Seamless buffers.

Buffer file names are identical to their SHA3-256 checksums (hashes).

The server handles HTTP GET requests, and optionally HTTP PUT requests.

The directory containing the buffers may be organized as a Seamless vault directory, containing subdirectories for (in)dependent and big/small buffers.

The same buffer directory can be simultaneously accessed by a one or more hashservers and/or a Seamless ctx.save_vault operation, since lock files are used to detect/indicate files that are being written.

Launching a service

Using conda

mamba env create --file environment.yml

conda activate hashserver

In order to run tests, also install requests: pip install requests

Run python hashserver.py -h for an overview of all hash server parameters.

The hash server can be run as a command-line tool. In that case, the hash server will read its parameters as command line arguments, and then launch itself under uvicorn. Example: python hashserver.py buffer_dir.

Alternatively, the hash server can run under a ASGI runner such as uvicorn. In that case, the hash server parameters must be first defined as environment variables. These variables are: HASHSERVER_DIRECTORY and (optionally) HASHSERVER_LOCK_TIMEOUT and HASHSERVER_WRITEABLE. The hash server is then launched by the ASGI runner, e.g. uvicorn hashserver:app --port 1234

The hash server has an access point "/has" where a list of checksums can be provided as the "checksums" parameter, e.g. import requests; requests.get("http://localhost:8000/has", json=checksums) in a Python client. The server returns a JSON list of booleans of the same length, indicating for each checksum if it is present or not.

Using Docker compose

 export HASHSERVER_PORT=8000
 export HASHSERVER_DIRECTORY=mybufferdir
 docker compose up

It is possible to detach by adding -d to the docker compose command. It is possible to define the Docker container's user ID and group ID using HASHSERVER_USER_ID and HASHSERVER_GROUP_ID. Both are 0 (root) by default, which means that sudo rights are needed to delete buffer files.


GET /<checksum> : checksum must be a SHA3-256 hash in hex form.


  • Status: 200 => Content: binary, containing the requested buffer
  • Status: 404 => Content: binary, containing "Not found"
  • Status: 400 => Content: JSON, indicating the error message

PUT /<checksum> : checksum must be a SHA3-256 hash in hex form. The corresponding buffer must be sent as raw data in the request body.


  • Status: 200 => Content: binary, containing "OK"
  • Status: 400 => Content: JSON, indicating the error message

GET /has : The request body must contain a list of checksums.


  • Status: 200 => Content: JSON, containing a list of booleans, one for each checksum.
  • Status: 404 => Content: binary, containing "Not found"
  • Status: 400 => Content: JSON, indicating the error message


  • Automatic continuous integration
  • More formal description of API. Harmonize with /docs entrypoint (autogenerated by FastAPI)