
This is the home page for the workshop to be held Friday November 10th 2023.


No recording this year.


If you can spend 30 minutes downloading the material before the session, you should be able to use the material during the session.

  1. Download Julia

  2. Start Julia and then type:

using Pkg; Pkg.add("Pluto")

This will install the Pluto package. This provides an elegant workbook interface.

  1. Download the notebook to your hard disk.

Or you can do this within Julia by doing:

using Downloads"", "cnw22.jl")

Make sure the file is called cnw22.jl rather than something like cnw22.jl.txt.

  1. Start Pluto notebook:

and then select the cnw22.jl notebook. The first time I tried this, it took about 20 minutes to load all the packages required, so please be patient.


I have made a youtube video of me installing everything afresh on a Windows 11 laptop. This was to check that I have listed all the dependencies, and to see how long it will take. I suggest you follow along with the video. There is a long pause from about 6 minutes to 26 minutes when it is installing and compiling all the extra packages. This should happen only once, unless you upgrade Julia.

Static version of notes

A static version of the notes are available.