
Intro materials for mphil students to get started on damtp machines.

Lab session 2023-10-05

Why the command line?

Embracing the command line: my unexpected career in computational biology.

Introduction to the system (DAMTP)

The DAMTP system is described briefly in https://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/computing/newusers

There are about 500 linux machines in the DAMTP network. You can login to the ones in the 'public' group and to any research group that you belong.

DAMTP account information

https://mypassword.maths.cam.ac.uk/ use your raven password to get/set your maths password.

How to access your email

https://office.com New accounts should be on outlook.

What is subliminal.damtp.cam.ac.uk?

64 core machine in DAMTP, with lots of RAM and disk space. Teaching machine. For the MPhil, this is the main (but not only) DAMTP machine I recommend you use.

Note that your home directory is shared across all DAMTP machines. Likewise, your password is the same across all DAMTP machines -- so if you change your password on one machine, it is effective for all machines.

How to login to subliminal

From a terminal, type:

ssh sje30@subliminal.maths.cam.ac.uk # change to your CRSID
uname -a 

If you have X windows you can instead do:

ssh -Y sje30@subliminal.maths.cam.ac.uk # change to your CRSID

but installing X (on windows) is currently a pain.


A simpler way to get a remote graphical connection to subliminal is to use https://hotdesk.maths.cam.ac.uk

This allows you to run a persistent session on subliminal. You can close the browser tab and then come back to the same windows.

screen/tmux are similar programs for text-only terminals. These allow you to leave long jobs running and then reconnect later.

Setting up COMPBIO area on subliminal (SKIP)

This allows you to run other COMPBIO software by extending your $PATH variable:

One time only you will need to run the following program to configure your logins:


Hint: hit TAB to complete filenames.

Logout and then log back in to subliminal for changes to take effect.

Check that you can now run R and other tools:


Ctrl-D to exit R. Then try rstudio:


Rstudio over the network

From a browser visit http://subliminal.maths.cam.ac.uk:8787/

As long as you have a browser, you can calculate...!

Warning: plots don't currently ([2023-10-04 Wed]) work; it has been reported but don't expect a quick update. The slow workaround:


You can then open that file and the pdf will appear in a different browser tab. Refresh the browser tab if the file has changed to see an update.

Managing your files


Bad news: not much quota, about 4 Gb, by default (although can ask for more).

Good news: home directory is backed up, about every 12 hours.


For working with large files. on subliminal you can store them in a 'data' directory (this is not backed up).

mkdir /local/data/mphilcompbio/2023/CRSID

Check permissions if you have anything private (e.g. coursework).

This disk (/local/data/mphilcompbio) is about 15TB, and NOT backed-up. Your files will be deleted in September 2024, so please remove them before then.

Please check the local disk usage by examining

du -sh <directory>
df -h /local/data ## check storage as a whole.

There are also 'store' and 'scratch' data spaces that you might have access to:


You can also store up to 1Tb of data (backed up) on onedrive.

exploring quota in detail

man quota
quota -h   ### -h is a 'switch' commonly used to show help
quota -s

Useful commands to explore

nano / vi / emacs


screen / tmux

Remote connections:

scp / ssh / rsync / unison

Managing processes:
ps ux / kill

Long running jobs

For example, let's all run "slowjob" and then check the machine status using "top".

/alt/applic/user-maint/sje30/COMPBIO/bin/slowjob is the full path (remember to use TAB completion). Check what the file is.

Laptop issues





Remote logins

ssh ssh.maths.cam.ac.uk
ssh linux.pwf.cam.ac.uk  (??)

Accessing files remotely


Should you keep your files on your laptop, or DAMTP?

DAMTP: files are backed up, but you don't get much quota. You might wish to use some service (github, unison) to keep certain directories in sync.

https://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/computing/remoteaccess/copyingfiles shows how to use tools like sftp

moving files in/out of the faculty

zendto is a service for securely sending/receiving large files, up to 20gb.



https://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/computing/storage/nextcloud useful as a dropbox like solution. But limited quota, e.g. 1-2Gb.

Working with your laptop

If you have a mac laptop, then all you need is your 'Terminal' app and X11 and you should be ready.

If you have a windows machine, I recommend you install WSL2 and perhaps the X server (the latter is a bit fiddly). You can then start 'Windows Terminal'. Windows 11 should help a lot here, in that you won't need X11.

If you have a linux laptop, congratulations, no further edits needed.

mathematical software

Site licences for software like matlab, mathematica are available so that you can install these programs on your machine.


Running long jobs elsewhere

https://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/computing/queuing-system-desktops describes a queuing system available for long jobs in maths. (We will use slurm later.)

Next steps

The Linux Command Line free book

Consider doing the half-day course offered by the Central UIS: Unix: Introduction to the Command Line Interface (not running during covid).

more recently, replaced by 'LiL: Unix essential training (online)' provided by LinkedIn. https://training.cam.ac.uk/ucs/event/3756056

I would also recommend Software Carpentry guides, e.g.


and perhaps, later:
