

Primary LanguagePython


What it does

This facebook bot allows you to create an ec2 instance by texting the word ec2 to the bot

What you need

  1. Python3
  2. BOTO3 - (AWS)
  3. ngrok (Unless you have a https server handy)

In action

Image of AWS Console

Image of Facebook Bot

How to get it all set up (Document this later cause i am about to watch a movie)

  1. Create a facebook app
  2. Select messaging for the facebook app type
  3. Get your access token and associate it to a facebook page (you can create one on the app screen)
  4. Get the access token
  5. run a curl request with the access token
curl -X POST "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/subscribed_apps?access_token=EAAM4FiGDZCk0BAD7fZCNhTMquL8hjSlXZBDcE2TolBhxeFP898oGunmccqDxGYDCYfGMsSzErecMIBQZAcgHzegpT1rZAxX

Handy ec2 commands

DryRun, ImageId, MinCount, MaxCount, KeyName, SecurityGroups, SecurityGroupIds, UserData, InstanceType, Placement, KernelId, RamdiskId, BlockDeviceMappings, Monitoring, SubnetId, DisableApiTermination, InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior, PrivateIpAddress, Ipv6Addresses, Ipv6AddressCount, ClientToken, AdditionalInfo, NetworkInterfaces, IamInstanceProfile, EbsOptimized, TagSpecifications