
Sanity Color List

Display colors for editors to choose from with this custom input component.

2.0.0 Breaking changes

Starting from 2.0.0 the whole color object is returned and the type has been changed from colors to colorlist.

preview image


  1. sanity install color-list
  2. In your schema:
  title: "Color List",
  description: "Pick a color",
  name: "colors",
  type: "colorlist", // required
  options: {
    list: [
      { title: "Red", value: "#f16d70" },
      { title: "Teal", value: "#88c6db" },
      { title: "Purple", value: "#aca0cc" },
      { title: "Green", value: "#bdcdcb" },
      { title: "White", value: "white" }

Done. The component returns the selected list object. If the value key was an object it will return an rgb string instead.


This plugin offers some ways of customization via the options object. If you don't use an off-white theme in your studio the defaults should work well out of the box.

{string} [background="white"] // If you are using a theme with a non-white bg use this to inform the plugin of this non-white background color so that contrasts can be calculated properly
{object} [borderradius]
{string} [borderradius.outer="100%"] // Borderradius for the active decorator
{string} [borderradius.inner="100%"] // Borderradius for the main item
{number} [contrastcutoff=20] // 0-255. When the contrast between the background and the color falls below this level decorate the item with a lighter/darker value for better contrast
{number} [darken=10] // How much darker than the actual color the decoration color will be
{number} [lighten=10] // How much lighter than the actual color the decoration color will be
{bool} [tooltip] // Set to true to show a tooltip with the colors title on hover/focus
{object} list
{string} list.title // Used to display a tooltip if activated
{string || object} list.value // can be an object with keys for r, g and b or a valid color string. 0x formatted hex strings are not supported at the moment.


First run the following commands at the root of this repository.

npm i
npm link

Then, to include it in your Sanity development project, navigate to the root of your project and run: npm link sanity-plugin-color-list. You will now reference the local version of the plugin when using the plugin.

Add the script "dev": "sanity start --preserve-symlinks" in your studio package.json file. Then run npm run dev in your local sanity-plugin-color-list repository folder and npm run dev in your studio folder.


See the changelog here.