
A WebExtension frontend for ouinet HTTP Settings API.

We use web-ext for development.


web-ext build


To ship an updated version, one should bump version, sign the addon, and, optionally, push to the distribution file.

Assuming you're in the addon developers group on AMO, grab your API keys from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/addon/api/key/ and set environment variables $WEB_EXT_API_KEY and $WEB_EXT_API_SECRET for user and secret respectively.

Then, web ext sign --api-key=$WEB_EXT_API_KEY --api-secret=$WEB_EXT_API_SECRET.

To push to the distribution file, just replace the xpi there with a new one: cp ./web-ext-artifacts/ceno_settings-1.0.1-an+fx.xpi ../ouifennec-distribution/assets/distribution/extensions/settings.ceno\@equalit.ie.xpi.