
Sample code demonstrating unit testing of OpenWhisk node.js actions with mocha

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This repository holds sample code demonstrating a pattern for unit testing Apache OpenWhisk node.js actions with mocha.

This pattern shows how to write one mocha suite that can be used to unit test actions either 1) locally on your machine, or 2) remotely on OpenWhisk. The code uses a trick so that you can re-use the same test suite in both contexts. So, with this pattern, you can develop and test your actions locally; when ready, you can deploy them to the cloud and use the same test suite to exercise the actions in the cloud.

How it works

The sample code shows how to use the Adapter design pattern to abstract local and cloud-hosted actions behind a common interface. The code uses a simple introspective utility in Javascript to build the adapter.


The repository contains the following files:

  • hello.js a simple Node.js OpenWhisk action
  • test.js a mocha test suite for the hello actions
  • driver.sh shell script to drive the example.


This has been tested on MacOSX and will probably work on Linux. You will need bash, node and mocha.

This assumes you have installed the wsk command-line. For IBM Bluemix, get it here.


  1. Install the action and required npm packages:
./driver.sh --install
  1. Run unit tests locally
./driver.sh --testLocal
  1. Run unit tests against OpenWhisk
./driver.sh --testOW
  1. Uninstall the action and clean up
./driver.sh --clean