Pinned Repositories
A blog I created. I used Rails for the back-end and React for the front-end. Hooks up with an API call to a server I had running with Postgres. My initial outline of the app included all aspects of REST, but I decided to make it "Read Only" and leave article creation and management database-side. See screenshots below. Uses React Router and Redux.
I completed this Burger Builder app as part of Maximillian Schwarzmuller's course on Udemy, React 16- The Complete Guide (incl. React Router 4 & Redux). It is compatible with both mobile and desktop.
I created this website for a local copier systems business. It's a simple design, but I find the minimalism rather pleasing. This project allowed me to hone my skills with regard to responsive design. It utilizes Bootstrap and also includes a form with a hookup to email via Sendgrid.
A responsive website for a fictional Coffee House built with HTML, CSS, and Sass. I completed this project to practice my skills with CSS Grid.
This is a one-way flight-booker, created as part of The Odin Project. It was a great exercise in building advanced forms, thinking through data architecture, and managing several models, views, and controllers in one project. See the screenshots below.
This front-end project was great training in Responsive Design. It was a rewarding project and greatly increased my confidence in working with HTML/CSS. See the project here or in the screenshots below...
This is a tic-tac-toe game for the command line, written in Ruby and created as part of the curriculum for The Odin Project. Tested with RSpec.
This is a clone of the iOS calculator built with React/Redux. The business logic resides in the reducer. I went with the "fat reducer" approach mostly to try it out, but also because all of the actions in this app are synchronous. Try it out:
A React Native App with Welcome/Walkthrough, Authentication with Google or Firebase, and data-fetching from the GovTrack API. Learned a lot about handling List Rendering (with FlatList component), navigation (with React Navigation), and working with Expo in the completion of this React Native project.
This is a weather app written in React, which I came back to refactor after several months (see Update in README). It fetches weather data from an external API (OpenWeatherMap) and displays both current weather data and a five-day forecast, with searching capabilities. It was a great way to get practice routing with React-Router, working with Redux, applying middleware for asynchronous actions with redux-thunk, and overall code design with stateful container components and stateless functional components.
sjfox26's Repositories
This is a tic-tac-toe game for the command line, written in Ruby and created as part of the curriculum for The Odin Project. Tested with RSpec.
I completed this Burger Builder app as part of Maximillian Schwarzmuller's course on Udemy, React 16- The Complete Guide (incl. React Router 4 & Redux). It is compatible with both mobile and desktop.
I created this website for a local copier systems business. It's a simple design, but I find the minimalism rather pleasing. This project allowed me to hone my skills with regard to responsive design. It utilizes Bootstrap and also includes a form with a hookup to email via Sendgrid.
This is a one-way flight-booker, created as part of The Odin Project. It was a great exercise in building advanced forms, thinking through data architecture, and managing several models, views, and controllers in one project. See the screenshots below.
This front-end project was great training in Responsive Design. It was a rewarding project and greatly increased my confidence in working with HTML/CSS. See the project here or in the screenshots below...
A front-end project, this allowed me to practice the floating and positioning of elements by recreating a New York Times article. This was created as part of the front-end curriculum for the Odin Project. It is only compatible with a large desktop; see my odin_next_web project for my first foray into the world of Responsive Design.
Conway's Game of Life built with React. Algorithm from Beau Carne's tutorial. I added the pentadecathlon and pulsar oscillations. I also changed around some functions and made structural tweaks to ensure understanding. These changes included setting up the project in the App File, using Redux, converting the Box component into a functional component, utilizing CSS modules, and other minor adjustments.
This is a weather app written in React, which I came back to refactor after several months (see Update in README). It fetches weather data from an external API (OpenWeatherMap) and displays both current weather data and a five-day forecast, with searching capabilities. It was a great way to get practice routing with React-Router, working with Redux, applying middleware for asynchronous actions with redux-thunk, and overall code design with stateful container components and stateless functional components.
A blog I created. I used Rails for the back-end and React for the front-end. Hooks up with an API call to a server I had running with Postgres. My initial outline of the app included all aspects of REST, but I decided to make it "Read Only" and leave article creation and management database-side. See screenshots below. Uses React Router and Redux.
A responsive website for a fictional Coffee House built with HTML, CSS, and Sass. I completed this project to practice my skills with CSS Grid.
This is a clone of the iOS calculator built with React/Redux. The business logic resides in the reducer. I went with the "fat reducer" approach mostly to try it out, but also because all of the actions in this app are synchronous. Try it out:
A React Native App with Welcome/Walkthrough, Authentication with Google or Firebase, and data-fetching from the GovTrack API. Learned a lot about handling List Rendering (with FlatList component), navigation (with React Navigation), and working with Expo in the completion of this React Native project.
More quick practice with rendering lists in React Native. This one uses fetch instead of axios.
A responsive website for a fictional tour company. Completed as part of the Advanced CSS and Sass course with Jonas Schmedtmann. Learned a lot of handy styling techniques, architecture strategy, and responsive design principles.
Website for a fictional high-end real estate company. Layout achieved with CSS Grid. Completed as part of the Advanced CSS course on Udemy by Jonas Schmedtman.
Replicating's signup page, as part of the HTML/CSS curriculum for The Odin Project.
A React project that reaches out to the Github API and fetches data detailing the site's most popular repositories, sortable by language. Routing with React-Router. Styles with CSS Modules.
Practice exercise/quick template for 2 ways of rendering lists in React Native(Flatlist vs. self-made details component)...reaches out to third-party API for senator & senator bday info
A RESTful API created with React and Redux. Connects with JSON Placeholder. I did not actually add the video stream part of it, since my main objective was really the wiring connecting everything together. Created as part of Stephen Grider's React course.
I collaborated with my twin brother- a software engineer himself- on this website for my uncle's business. Completed with Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, Amazon S3/ AWS, Sendgrid.
Practice with Flexbox. Trillo: an all-in-one booking app.