Template for group website from Wowchemy, with some minor tweaks as below.


Used another great tool, wowchemy publication tool to create publication pages from bibtex; may need periodic updating (or connecting to a feed) https://github.com/wowchemy/hugo-academic-cli

I obtained the bibtex from publish or perish (via google scholar), and did some minor editing in Zotero before exporting. BUT this is flawed, scholar only lets you grab the first x authors, so many pubs have ... as an author...these need fixing at some point

Tweaks to layouts, etc.

I made a number of changes to layouts to:

  • Add an 'acknowledgement' footer that is separate from the copyright (which is the default way to add it. This has a number of disadvantages including that it shows up in the RSS template by default, and moreover that it mis-labels a distinct recognition. For some reason I had to overwrite this blank file https://github.com/wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-themes/wowchemy/layouts/partials/hooks/footer.html (which, I think, lets you insert a custom footer on pages. Not relevant for me), and adding to layouts/partials/site_footer.html and then add a param (acknowledgement) to the params.yaml config/_default/params.yaml
  • I made a minor change to layouts/partials/li_compact.html for styling, it now shows a shadow box per li_card.html, however in doing this the image hoverover has been broken, which may be worth fixing
  • I made changes to single.html and authors list.html for backlinks per below
  • I added main/layouts/shortcodes include_html and include_md shortcodes to transclude another file into an md (but, the other file must have an empty yaml header, or for html only tags between the body tags)
  • updated layouts/partials/widgets/hero_media.html to allow video media (with thanks to Rodri), this seems to size videos to the heading level, so the video needed to be parallel to the body-text of the widget
  • there are junk/draft edits in layouts/partials and creds-hugo-research-group/wowchemy/layouts/partials/widgets/ - these should, I think, be deleted
  • https://github.com/sjgknight/creds-hugo-research-group/data/ has edits for the theme, and for the CMS (in the cms yaml file there)

Link gardens and back links

I'm interested in drawing on ideas of digital gardens or link gardens, in which rather than organising by date, people navigate through starting at different points and going down different paths through connected content. Tags and categories can do that to some degree, but it tends to always be sequential. An obvious use case in academia is wanting to show links between people <-> projects <-> publications <-> news <-> methods, etc.

To do this I made some edits from (note, if the directory structure is as mine/wowchemy and uses index.md within a named directory per-post, you need to change BaseFileName to ContentBaseName in the backlinks partial)

Other places that have implemented some form of backlink approach in hugo are:

In Jekyll see :

Roam is a common note tool for this kind of approach

Wowchemy's Research Group Template for Hugo

The Research Group Template empowers your research group to easily create a beautiful website with a stunning homepage, news, academic publications, events, team profiles, and a contact form.

There's a nice demo at.

Check out the latest demo of what you'll get in less than 5 minutes, or view the showcase.

Wowchemy makes it easy to create a beautiful website for free. Edit your site in Markdown, Jupyter, or RStudio (via Blogdown), generate it with Hugo, and deploy with GitHub or Netlify. Customize anything on your site with widgets, themes, and language packs.

Crowd-funded open-source software

To help us develop this template and software sustainably under the MIT license, we ask all individuals and businesses that use it to help support its ongoing maintenance and development via sponsorship.

My notes for files

#main title is required title:

#You can also include a subtitle subtitle:

#If you want the summary to be something other than the first paragraph, put one in here. summary:

#show the date for the page, set show_date to false to hide this. Date is in form 2021-08-03 YYYY-mm-dd date:

#true by default show_date:

#wont show in lists if set to true draft: false

#can be used to highlight content in various places featured: true

Featured image

To use, place an image named featured.jpg/png in your page's folder.

Placement options: 1 = Full column width, 2 = Out-set, 3 = Screen-width

Focal point options: Smart, Center, TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight

Set preview_only to true to just use the image for thumbnails.

image: filename: featured placement: 1 focal_point: Smart preview_only: false caption: "caption here" alt_text: "Concise description here"

#if the page is a link to another page use this (generally use the links below instead) external_link:

#use this structure to add call to action links at the top of the page. No more than 2 or it looks poor links:

  • icon_pack: fas icon: arrow-alt-circle-left name: View all our research url: '/research'
  • icon_pack: fas icon: eye name: More on project site url: ''

#add authors itll auto link to ones with profiles. Use comma separated in squares like this #you can also add partner organisations here (give them that role in the author page) #and UTS-collaborators external-collaborators industry-collaborators (same thing) authors: ["Kirsty Kitto"]

#add categories from options: news, illustrations, learn, resources, methods #to create a method page create a tag first and then add the category method to the tag categories:

#add tags you can use like categories or like authors. Tags might cover #technology, including: learning-analytics, mobile-technologies, #country or region, including: #sector, including: HE, schools, industry, GLAM, lifelong-learning, online-communities #pedagogy and practice, including: sociocultural-theory, dialogic-learning, CSCL, active-learning, reflection #content, including: recognition, funding, #theme which are: Change-Design, Literacies, Data-literacy, Teachers tags: [""]

Put content here

Sections: News (posts), Projects, Authors (inc partners), Publications, Events

Pages: Research (shows projects), People (shows authors pages), Partners (shows authors pages),

Refer to https://wowchemy.com/docs/content/writing-markdown-latex/ for more things.

blockquotes like this

cta buttons like this: {{< cta cta_text="Visit the Teacher Professional Learning Networks site" cta_link="https://sites.google.com/site/educatorplns/" cta_new_tab="true" >}}

Cross ref things

You can refer to other pages like this, views are 4 is an APA citation, 3 is a card, 1 and 2 are listy YOU MUST NOT INCLUDE TRAILING SLASH IN ANY LINKS

{{< cite page="/publication/preprint" view="4" >}}

Make spoilers

To create a spoiler (expandable) use

{{< spoiler text="Click to read more" >}} and close {{< /spoiler >}}

Embed some stuff

{{< youtube WXxp3saPeXQ >}} {{< vimeo 146022717 >}}

{{< tweet 666616452582129664 >}}

{{< gdocs src="https://docs.google.com/..." >}} (but needs to be published)

For embedding images (not just in the header)

There's a markdown way, and there's an inelegant (but, let's you do useful things) way, e.g of the latter:

{{< figure src="analytics.jpg" caption="Modeling change, Photo by Edho Pratama on Unsplash" numbered="false" alt="Search result image for 'analytics', by Edho Pratama on Unsplash" >}}

To insert tables

Check out one of the markdown table generators, or use the gui rstudio approach

If you have a HTML page (e.g. from the conversation) you want to embed

  1. create an index.md page as usual, with yaml header per above
  2. in the index.md content use {{< include-md "body.md" >}}
  3. in body.md put an empty header ( --- and close --- ), and whatever's between tags in html

To make links

I'm an external link [A post]({{< relref "/post/my-page-name" >}}) [A publication]({{< relref "/publication/my-page-name" >}}) [A project]({{< relref "/project/my-page-name" >}}) [A relative link from one post to another post]({{< relref "../my-page-name" >}}) Scroll down to a page section with heading Hi

and for a file you might put it in /static/uploads/

{{% staticref "uploads/cv.pdf" "newtab" %}}Download my CV{{% /staticref %}}