
The objective of this project is to develop a SaaS Web Application/API Framework which provides real-time analytics of current events using Twitter, Reddit and Meetup streaming data. This tool can be used to visually identify active social gatherings and help organize targeted activities with high audience participation

PaaS Endpoint

API endpoint :

Below are some of the calls supported right now!

  • /hour
  • /day
  • /realtime
  • /getMeetupsForKeywordMonth/:keyword

SaaS Endpoint

We have created a custom dashboard using the above mentioned API which is live here -


  1. SaaS Web Application that displays current information on events like meetups/trends/news/forecast in real-time.

  2. Application offers insights (Batch Analytics) of the data with respect to different time frames such as hour/day/month.

  3. Application offers slice-dice operation as per the demographics specified by user.