
This Project is a sensor that is something I was using but wanted to make it less ugly and no breadboards for people who didn't like breadboard wires and such.

First the board is layed out to have a ESP8622 Board specifially the D1 Mini.

Compoents are:

  • D1 Mini
  • DHT Tempature Sensor (DHT11, DHT22 or a AM2302 Sensor)
  • BH1750 Light Sensor
  • Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR Sensor)

In the case of the DHT Sensor it is designed to use the 4 pin, or 3 pin types as shown in the images below. if you are using 4 pins which means its just the sensor without the addon board you will need to use a resistor which is what you put on R1. Example is this is what you buy on Adafruit with the extras( Adafruit DHT11 ). If you use the AM2302 or a DHT11/22 that has the board built into it and only 3 pins you will want to use a jumper wire between G1 and G2 that will bring the ground over to pin 3.



If you would like to make your own board, inside the board directory is Gerber files for PCB companies online. Or you can edit it here to make your own changes by cloning my project: