
A repository for studying the COVID-19 policies of AAU institutions.

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The Chronicle of Higher Education maintains a record of all institutions of higher education in the United States of America that have a requirement for employees and/or students to be vaccinated. Since they have made the data openly available, I thought it would be interesting to see what is happening at the institutions that are members of the Association of American Universities. You can view the list of members at https://www.aau.edu/sites/default/files/AAU-Files/Who-We-Are/AAU-Member-List.pdf.

I have done this because many institutions aspire to membership in the AAU. If membership in that august body is the goal, then it seems prudent to follow the lead of existing members in as many ways as possible. Making policies regarding COVID-19 mitigation that are based on science, not politics, would be a great place to start.

Here are my findings as of November 12, 2021:

  • 85% (55 out of 65 institutions) of AAU institutions report having a requirement for a Covid-19 vaccination.
  • 89% of those AAU institutions report that vaccination is required for students.
  • 84% of those AAU institutions report that vaccination is required for employees.
  • Most (45) of the AAU institutions with a vaccine requirement are in states that voted for Biden in 2020, but ten were in states that voted for Trump.

A note on the following table: I downloaded the data from The Chronicle of Higher Education's website, and I compared it with the list of AAU member institutions. I added a column to the Chronicle's data to indicate AAU membership status. The name of the institution is linked to its COVID-19 policy or to a link to the announcement of the policy.

College AAU Type Employees (Vaccination required) All students (Vaccination required) Voted in 2020
Boston University Y Private D
Brandeis University Y Private D
Brown University Y Private D
California Institute of Technology Y Private D
Carnegie Mellon University Y Private D
Case Western Reserve University Y Private R
Columbia University Y Private D
Cornell University Y Private -- D
Dartmouth College Y Private D
Duke University Y Private R
Emory University Y Private D
Georgia Institute of Technology Y Public -- D
Harvard University Y Private D
Indiana University at Bloomington Y Public R
Johns Hopkins University Y Private D
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Y Private D
Michigan State University Y Public D
New York University Y Private D
Northwestern University Y Private D
Ohio State University Y Public R
Pennsylvania State University Y Public -- D
Princeton University Y Private D
Rice University Y Private -- R
Rutgers University Y Public -- D
Stanford University Y Private D
State University of New York - Stony Brook University Y Public -- D
Tulane University Y Private -- R
University of Arizona Y Public -- D
University at Buffalo Y Public -- D
University of California at Berkeley Y Public D
University of California at Davis Y Public D
University of California at Irvine Y Public D
University of California at Los Angeles Y Public D
University of California at San Diego Y Public D
University of California at Santa Barbara Y Public D
University of California at Santa Cruz Y Public D
University of Chicago Y Private D
University of Colorado at Boulder Y Public D
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Y Public D
University of Kansas Y Public -- R
University of Maryland at College Park Y Public D
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Y Public D
University of Minnesota at Twin Cities Y Public -- D
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Y Public -- R
University of Oregon Y Public D
University of Pennsylvania Y Private D
University of Pittsburgh Y Public D
University of Rochester Y Private -- D
University of Southern California Y Private D
University of Utah Y Public Y D
University of Virginia Y Public -- D
University of Washington at Seattle Y Public D
University of Wisconsin Y Public -- D
Vanderbilt University Y Private R
Washington University in St. Louis Y Private R
Yale University Y Private D

Also, for the record, here are the AAU institutions that have not reported a vaccination requirement:

  • Iowa State University
  • McGill University
  • Purdue University
  • Texas A&M University
  • The University of Iowa
  • The University of Texas at Austin
  • The University of Toronto
  • University of Missouri, Columbia