
DeepHyper: Scalable Asynchronous Neural Architecture and Hyperparameter Search for Deep Neural Networks

Primary LanguagePython

Uncertainty Quantification for Molecular Property Predictions with Graph Neural Architecture Search

Install Instructions

The setup.py file contains all the necessary packages to reproduce the results. The resulting Conda environment takes approximately 8 GB of space. Please ensure that sufficient disk space is available for installation.

$ git clone https://github.com/sjiang87/deephyper.git
$ cd deephyper
$ conda create --name agu python=3.8.16
$ conda activate agu
$ # or source activate agu
$ pip install -e ".[default,analytics]"

Download Data and Results

Please select a disk location and data storage preference based on your needs. When running the program, please update the following directory:

  • --ROOT_DIR: This is where search and post-training results are saved. The total results can take about 20 GB.
  • --DATA_DIR: This is where data CSV and pickle files are saved. The total results can take about 5 GB.
  • --RESULT_DIR: This directory is used to store the analysis results in CSV and pickle formats. The total results can take about 1 GB.
  • --PLOT_DIR: This directory is used to store figures. The total results can take about 200 MB.

Here is the structure of the deephyper folder:

├── train.py
├── post_training.py
├── mc_dropout.py
├── ood_pc9.py
├── deephyper/
│   ├── ...
│   └── gnn_uq/
├── autognnuq/
│   ├── data/
│   ├── result/
│   ├── fig/
│   └── ... other_NAS_and_post_training_folders/
└── ...

Please download data, results, AutoGNNUQ NAS, AutoGNNUQ-Simple NAS and post-training results from Google Drive. An alternative option is to download using gdown.

Here are the necessary downloads to reproduce all results and figures.

$ conda activate agu
$ pip install gdown
$ cd autognnuq
$ gdown "1O6uH1t2VVyzQJNfRXDGWtzWcxicOjSV5"
$ gdown "1ujHNHOxwot7uYi9ZdWDDctaZ3hNKmVKU"
$ gdown "1SRJZwWUhrVBK5s6ZBpJ2Z54doB-E0BAl"
$ gdown "1Mz87Ovgt9aFrQW6D0Gnk8YDnR9iI1nPl"
$ gdown "1QQlBp0whn-KfyC8pKrz9tUQ9Ny_mp7tS"
$ tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf result.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf NAS.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf NAS_simple.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf post_result.tar.gz

Reproduce Results and Figures

Generate result pickle and CSV files from the raw AutoGNNUQ outputs.

$ python gen_result.py \
  --ROOT_DIR "./autognnuq/" \
  --RESULT_DIR "./autognnuq/result/" \
  --PLOT_DIR "./autognnuq/fig/" \
  --DATA_DIR "./autognnuq/data/"

Generate all figures from the AutoGNNUQ result files.

$ python gen_fig.py \
  --ROOT_DIR "./autognnuq/" \
  --RESULT_DIR "./autognnuq/result/" \
  --PLOT_DIR "./autognnuq/fig/" \
  --DATA_DIR "./autognnuq/data/"

Additional Post-Training Weights

Post-training weights can be downloaded here (16 GB).

$ gdown "16TnIW2HIS6PtfIsnbDDoE0WGAkddcPT8"
$ tar -xzvf post_model.tar.gz

Train AutoGNNUQ From Scratch

The --dataset options include: delaney (ESOL), lipo, freesolv, qm7, and qm9. For datasets other than qm9, the --SPLIT_TYPE is "523". For the qm9 dataset, the SPLIT_TYPE is "811".

$ python train.py --ROOT_DIR "./autognnuq/" \
  --DATA_DIR "./autognnuq/data/" \
  --SPLIT_TYPE "523" \
  --seed 0 \
  --dataset "delaney" \
  --batch_size 128 \
  --learning_rate 0.001 \
  --epoch 30 \
  --simple 1 \
  --max_eval 1000

Full code bash train.sh

SLURM Script Example for Neural Architecture Search:

#SBATCH --job-name=nas
#SBATCH --output=output.txt
#SBATCH --error=error.txt
#SBATCH --partition=gpu
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem=32G
#SBATCH --time=72:00:00

module load python/3.8  # Adjust the module as per your environment
module load cuda/11.2   # Adjust the module as per your environment
conda activate agu      # or source activate agu


for SEED in {0..7}; do
  for DATASET in "delaney" "freesolv" "lipo" "qm7" "qm9"; do
    if [ "$DATASET" == "qm9" ]; then
    for SIMPLE in 0 1; do
        srun --gres=gpu:4 --cpus-per-task=4 -n1 -N1 \
        python train.py --ROOT_DIR "$ROOT_DIR" --DATA_DIR "$DATA_DIR" --SPLIT_TYPE "$SPLIT_TYPE" \
        --seed $SEED --dataset "$DATASET" --batch_size $BATCH_SIZE --learning_rate $LEARNING_RATE \
        --epoch $EPOCH --simple $SIMPLE --max_eval $MAX_EVAL &


Post-training with NAS Already Done

Train AutoGNNUQ for post-training by running one instance with the --mode parameter set to one of the following options: "normal" for AutoGNNUQ, "simple" for AutoGNNUQ-Simple, or "random" for random ensemble.

$ python post_training.py --ROOT_DIR "./autognnuq/" \
  --POST_DIR "./autognnuq/" \
  --DATA_DIR "./autognnuq/data/" \
  --SPLIT_TYPE "523" \
  --seed 0 \
  --dataset "delaney" \
  --batch_size 128 \
  --learning_rate 0.001 \
  --epoch 1000 \
  --mode "normal"

Full code bash post_training.sh

Train MC dropout

$ python mc_dropout.py \
  --ROOT_DIR "./autognnuq/" \
  --POST_DIR "./autognnuq/" \
  --DATA_DIR "./autognnuq/data/" \
  --SPLIT_TYPE "523" \
  --seed 0 \
  --dataset "delaney" \
  --batch_size 128 \
  --learning_rate 0.001 \
  --epoch 1000

Full code bash mc_dropout.sh

PC9 Out-of-distribution analysis

$ python ood_pc9.py \
  --ROOT_DIR "./autognnuq/" \
  --POST_DIR "./autognnuq/" \
  --DATA_DIR "./autognnuq/data/" \
  --SPLIT_TYPE "811" \
  --seed 0

Full code bash ood_pc9.sh