
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Getting started

## clone github repository and install hapfusion
git clone https://github.com/sjin09/hapfusion
cd hapfusion
/bin/bash install.sh

## use miniamp2 and samtools to align, sort (and merge) PacBio CCS read alignments
minimap2 "@RG\tSM:sample" -ax map-hifi --cs ref.fa pacbio.ccs.fastq.gz | samtools sort -o aln.sorted.bam # SM tag must be provided to retrieve sample ID
samtools merge *.sorted.bam | samtools sort -o aln.mergeSorted.bam - ## if there are multiple BAM files, merge and sort the BAM files 
samtools view -bh -F 0x900 aln.sorted.bam > aln.primary_alignments.sorted.bam # select primary alignments
samtools index aln.sorted.bam
samtools index aln.primary_alignments.sorted.bam 

## use deepvariant to call germline mutations
deepvariant.simg /opt/deepvariant/bin/run_deepvariant --model_type=PACBIO --ref ref.fa --reads=aln.primary_alignments.sorted.bam --output_vcf=germline.vcf

## use hapfusion to phase germline mutations
hapfusion phase --bam aln.primary_alignments.sorted.bam --vcf germline.vcf.bgz -o germline.phased.vcf 
bgzip -c germline.phased.vcf > germline.phased.vcf.bgz
tabix -p vcf germline.phased.vcf.bgz

## call crossovers and gene conversions
hapfusion call -i aln.primary_alignments.sorted.bam --vcf germline.phased.vcf.bgz -o recombinations.txt

## plot crossovers and gene conversions
hapfusion plot -i aln.primary_alignments.sorted.bam --vcf germline.phased.vcf.bgz --fusion recombinations.txt -o pdf

Users' Guide

hapfusion leverages CCS base accuracy and read length to crossovers (CO), gene conversions (NCO) and complex gene conversions (CNCO).

minimap2 CCS read alignment

Currently, hapfusion only accepts minimap2 CCS read alignment SAM/BAM file with a --cs tag, like the cigar string provides information about the matches and mismatches between the read and the reference genome. pbmm2 and ngmlr does not provide the --cs tag and as a result, pbmm2 and ngmlr SAM/BAM files are incompatible with himut. The --cs tag is favored over the cigar string because it offers a more elegant representation of the differences between the read and the reference genome (source: https://lh3.github.io/2018/03/27/the-history-the-cigar-x-operator-and-the-md-tag).

General Usage

hapfusion accepts as input a BAM file with primary CCS read alignments and a VCF file with phased germline mutations and returns a file with crossovers and gene conversions.

## phase germline mutations
hapfusion phase --bam aln.primary_alignments.sorted.bam --vcf germline.vcf.bgz -o germline.phased.vcf

## call crossovers and gene conversions
hapfusion call -i aln.primary_alignments.sorted.bam --vcf germline.phased.vcf.bgz -o recombinations.txt

## plot crossovers and gene conversions
hapfusion plot -i aln.primary_alignments.sorted.bam --vcf germline.phased.vcf.bgz --fusion recombinations.txt -o pdf


The number of crossovers and gene conversions detcted from the sample is dependent on the number of phased hetSNPs, length of haplotype blocks and CCS read length.