
Project with basic examples for Chrome Puppeteer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project for Basic Chrome Puppeteer examples:


  • Install dependencies : npm install


  • Run a test that logs all devices available for emulation: npm run logAllDevices
  • Run a test with iPhone emulation: npm run iPhone
  • Run a test that uses custom viewport size: npm run controlViewportSize
  • Run a test that uses selector and interaction on the page: npm run demoAut
  • Run a test that takes screenshot: npm run screenshot
  • Run a test that takes screenshot in headless mode: npm run headlessScreenshot
  • Run a script that does headless scraping: npm run headlessScraping
  • Run a test that uses chrome flags: npm run chromeFlags
  • Sample for visual regression and loading pages side by side:
    • node pageLoad_sideByside.js --no-throttle --no-mobile -u https://www.google.com/ https://www.google.co.uk/
    • node pageLoad_sideByside.js --url http://www.google.com http://www.google.co.uk
  • Sample for taking screenshot of particular element and converting it to PDF(headless)
    • node element_to_pdf.js
  • Run a script that tests sound: npm run sound
  • Run a script for performance/tracing: npm run devTool_tracing