- 3
cell_color property is lost after adding a new row
#32 opened by touste - 2
[FEATURE] Support for multiline rows
#12 opened by sjmikler - 2
- 3
- 0
- 1
[FEATURE] Modify existing header
#14 opened by sjmikler - 1
[FEATURE] Colorful embedded progress bar
#20 opened by sjmikler - 3
[BUG] pip install seemingly not working
#17 opened by jacopogiuliani - 3
- 1
- 1
[FEATURE] Handling progress bars as objects
#11 opened by sjmikler - 1
[FEATURE] Nested/multi level progress
#9 opened by naddeoa - 1
- 1
[FEATURE] Pandas as an optional dependency
#8 opened by naddeoa - 1
[FEATURE] Continuous progress bar
#7 opened by naddeoa - 2
[FEATURE] Support for colors on the row level
#6 opened by naddeoa - 4
Is there a way to customize the progress bar so that it takes in {steps}/{total_steps} instead of time elapsed?
#2 opened by hungcs - 1
Add borders between rows?
#3 opened by hungcs